I went to the Abingdon farmers market yesterday and bought some really good stuff, Rustic Olive bread, blackberry goat cheese (yummo), organic beets, carrots and basil, and some beautiful acorn squash...I also found some heirloom green tomato's and I was wondering... What is better, flour, cornmeal or panko bread crumbs to fry green tomatoes? (yep that is the quiz question today!) I normally use panko!
Spoiler There are many who would say you should use this type of recipe for your fried green tomatoes. 3/4 cup all-purpose flour 3 eggs, lightly beaten 2 cups panko bread crumbs 5 green tomatoes, cut into 1/4 inch thick slices oil for frying salt So I'd say using Panko is just fine. :-D
I think that would depend on one's personal preference for making fried green tomatoes and whether or not you like them.
This is one of those questions that touches on personal preference......O.K. I looked into the cabinet to see what was open. The flour gets used all the time....no help there......the cornmeal is half done.......the breadcrumbs are almost empty and the Panko crumbs are not open. So my reasoning says the Panko crumbs don't get used that much if at all. I guess the flower cornmeal and breadcrumbs win vs. The Japanese Panko crumbs.. Jerry
I like the Italian bread crumbs & parmesan cheese for my fried green tomatoes also. There is a resturant close by me that has fried green tomotoes on the menu. They are battered with egg & panko bread crumbs and bacon pieces and then deep fried. They are really good.