It may be Zygocactus truncates but it doesn't matter.All that matters is that it's blooming like crazy. It usually lives in the greenhouse but on Thursday morning we brought it in the house for my dinner to enjoy. Barb in Pa.
Very nice! These plants can sure make a nice color display in the colder months and even in the dead of winter
Beautiful plant! One of my favorite plants, particularly for their blooming time! Gotta love color this time of year.
Well, It's almost all over. This is how heavy my little plant got. I left it in the house since Thanksgiving and it now is beginning to fade. It will go back out to the greenhouse today. I don't usually keep plants in my house but I wanted to enjoy this one with my hubby. Two and half weeks of blooms is nice, even in my dry house. I watered it allot and should have giving it a shower but didn't. So it's back out to happy land for plants today. It will be relieved. Barb in Pa.