I went to Lowe's this morning to get a 3ft tall christmas tree and found this on the sale rack. It had two clearance stickers on it, one said $15 and the other $3 so when I took it to check out I told the cashier about the two stickers and said but this is the one I want you to use, showing her the $3 and she that's the price she rang up. $3 Bromeliad ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden ) I believe it is a Guzmania 'Yellow Marjan' but no ID on it except the label that had Bromeliad in tin pot, just going by the color of the upper end of the stem. I know bright light, no direct sunlight...not a problem. I have read that once they bloom, they start dying but will put out baby shoots at the base that can be repotted after the parent plant is dead. There is a little baby on the side so there is hope that I will have another one. I have also read that you can make it rebloom by sticking it in a clear plastic bag with an apple for a couple of weeks. I am open to ideas and care help since I have never had one of these before.
You will not get the original plant to re-bloom, it has served its purpose. The pups, however a different story. The pup/s should stay with mom till they are about 3/4 her size. They can then be separated and planted in their own pot. The ethylene trick is to force a new mature bromeliad to bloom. Any fruit giving off ethylene gas will do. Apples serve nicely. Place a new plant in a bag with a piece of apple for a couple of weeks, then remove plant. The plant will change from producing leaves to producing a flower in a month or two. The old plant stays green and happy. jerry
Thanks much, Jerry, I wondered about the apple thing the article I got that info from did say re-bloom so I wondered. I will just keep Mom happy in a north window until the pup is ready to be weaned.
WOW, that is a pretty good deal in any ones country, I grow a few of those but mine are outside all year, we will be able to compare notes soon.......Jerry is right with all he says, sounds like he grows some too...would love to see some photos.
That's an excellent deal Toni! I've been purposely staying away from Lowe's markdown rack.. there's almost always some plants trying to jump into my shopping cart.
Congratulations on your new baby. Or rather babies since you're getting offspring. How long will you have to wait for the babies to bloom I wonder?
Nice find Toni! I found one just like that the other day too except mine has a little red on the leaves before the flower. I hope mine will produce some babies so that I can have more too. I have some smaller bromeliads, but this is the largest. The smaller ones are doing great and I think the larger one is begining to adjust to my house because it is almost fully bloomed. Some tips that might help are every now and then, put the plant in the shower with cool water for about 10 minutes and just let the water flow over it and drain through the whole thing. I've done that to my smaller ones and they seem to like it, however, they are mounted on pieces of drift wood, but I don't think it will matter.