Lovely Day and Funny Furries

Discussion in 'Member's Gallery' started by Droopy, Jan 8, 2012.

  1. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    We've got frost again, for the umphteenth time this winter. Forecast says rain or sleet again tomorrow, so we'll thaw out for the umphteenth time this winter. :D

    Anyways, today was lovely with -5°C/23F, which feels very cold here by the coast. Fortunately we had no wind, and the sun managed to climb over the mountain tops for a couple of hours too. There's no warmth in her but her appearance is most welcome after all the rain, sleet and high winds (including hurricane "Dagmar") we've had.

    I went for a ride this morning, and I thought the view was so lovely I wanted to share it with you:


    This view is west/southwestward, towards the mouth of the fjord I live by.

    Once we got back to the stables I put Truls outside and went to boil water and make myself a cocoa. This is the sight that met me when I opened the door to the bathroom:


    The culprit was fast asleep on her perch in the saddle room, feigning innocense. :D Meet our stable cat Kanutte:


    The furries are allowed on the fields when we've got frost, and they really enjoy it. It beats the sand paddocks they have to use when it's wet. Dinner's served outside of course.

    These two are Dorthe on the left and my Truls on the right:


    Our little Princess Gabriella also enjoyed her food:


    Isn't it strange how we forget the bad weather and the moods of both people and furries lift when the weather's nice? I hope we'll have at least one more day like this before the warmer, wetter weather strikes again.
    Frank, stratsmom, Jewell and 3 others like this.
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  3. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    I should add that hurricane "Dagmar" did a lot of damage in areas around here, but we didn't get any damage at all. The worst I had to handle was a line of trees by the stables that "Dagmar" managed to fell.


    With all hands on deck we cleared the mess up in about five hours, including cocoa break. :D
  4. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    Doesn't Kanutte look as though butter wouldn't melt in his mouth? :D :D

    You live in a really beautiful part of the world Droopy and, I have to admit, I envy you your morning ride on Truls whilst enjoying those views.

    I'm glad 'Dagmar' didn't cause more damage. Our gales (105mph) did severe damage to lots of areas here in Scotland.
  5. cherylad

    cherylad Countess of Cute-ification Plants Contributor

    May 5, 2009
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    S. Liberty County - Texas (8B)
    I really enjoyed all the photos... but the first one of that view.. WOW! :eek:
    I honestly didn't know you all have hurricanes! So glad to hear there wasn't too much damage.

  6. Jerry Sullivan

    Jerry Sullivan Garden Experimenter Plants Contributor

    Nov 10, 2010
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    Chelmsford MA
    The view of the fjord makes for a fantastic picture. I think the geology of fjords are interesting. An extratropical cyclonic storm perked my interest as I had not heard the term before. I looked up the meteorological components and now have a better understanding of them. Still 145mph/233 kph wind-speeds are nothing trivial and i saw plenty of video footage showing the aftermath. Glad you survived unscathed Droopy.
    Such an innocent cat as Kanutte could not have been responsible for the bathroom incident. Blame it on Dagmar as the horses are too big.

  7. Gardengirl

    Gardengirl Young Pine

    Sep 25, 2008
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    Bembridge, Isle of Wight
    That first photo is a stunner Droopy, worthy of a frame I think :stew2:
    Surely the bathroom incident could not have been caused by that angelic looking Kanutte :D
    Thought the winds here had been bad, we have a fence and trellis down, glad you didn't suffer too much from Dagmar.
  8. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Wow Droopy! That first pic is a beauty. thanks for sharing it with us. I hope your weather stays nice for a few more days. Sunshine, even if it's not warm, does make us feel so much better.

    Kanutte sure is darling, too.
  9. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    Thanks all for liking my fjord. :D I'll tell Kanutte that you all find her "not guilty". She'll like that. :D

    "Dagmar" was at approximately 100 mph at the strongest here, so we were rather lucky. She was stronger in other areas, judging by the damage to buildings and the amount of flattened trees. The last big hurricane we had blew the scales (literally :D) so we don't know how hard it was.
  10. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    I sure did enjoy seeing all those pics--they were varied. Were they taken with the new cam?

    The Water was so serene-looking. The rolled-off lu paper really made me chuckle.

    ...and your ponies--they are gorgeous and looking quite healthy.

    What a wind, Droopy---glad you were Oké. Hope that your muscles aren't too sore after clearing the limbs.
  11. chocolate

    chocolate In Flower

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Good morning, Droopy, I just loved all those photos,specially the first one which made me feel a bit cooler, it is 93-94f[35c] here today and photos like that a really useful!
    Now about that cat,
    cats are so sneaky it is a sure thing that he was the culprit for the mess, they are so clever with their cover ups. ;)
    Cats have staff remember!
  12. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    Hei Sjoerd, those photos were taken with my no-good mobile camera so I was just lucky they turned out so well. :D My muscles weren't too sore. I use them a lot every day. :D

    Chocolate, I'm glad you felt cooler by looking at my photos. There's a thread in here somewhere called Procjec cooling down toni or something like that, with lots of snow photos. You might want to look in on it.

    The sweet, little kitty tried to murder the toilet paper again today. I've never seen anything like it. She hung upside down on the roll, biting away. :D One should think her days were full with chasing mice and birds, helping out with mucking and stuff, relaxing and checking on the horses, but she obviously still has time for mischief. Gotta love her, she's sooo cute. :stew1:
  13. Tooty2shoes

    Tooty2shoes Hardy Maple

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Denmark, Wis.
    Wow Droopy that first one is a great photo. Like others have said, you live in a beautiful area.

    I am somewhat envious of you having horses. I love them. Riding is such a great experience. You get to see things you normally wouldn't even if you were just out for a walk. Animals think you are part of the horse.

    Many times in the past I had ridden up so close to deer that I could almost reach out and touch them.

    I have had dogs that love to throw confetti parties with the toilet paper roll. One day I came home to find my cute little dog curled up in her bed sleeping and the house covered in shreds of toilet paper everywhere.

    As soon as I said, What happened here? She rolled upside down in her bed and gave me that I didn't do it look. They are such comical critters. I would have loved to see your kitty attacking the toilet paper roll. :-D
  14. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    Thanks Tooty, I sort of like living here. The scenery makes up for all the weather we get. :D

    I've been close to roe deer while riding, but my favourites are the squirrels. They're such fun to watch. :D

    Of course your doggie didn't shred the toilet paper. You probably had an intruder. Yep. :D

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