Not much snow so far .The most at one time around 5 inches.It has been so windy here.Heather Joe and Eli will be taking me home in Feb.I am so home sick.My health is so much better now.I want to thank all my GardenStew friends for all your prayers sent my way and all the good thoughts.Bless you all.I will be living in Josha,Texas with my best friend Mary,We have been friends for 50 years.She is more like my sister.Ilove everyone of my friends here on the Stew.
It is so good to hear you are better and anticipating a return to Texas. How wonderful to have a friend for so many years. Take care and let us know how your move goes.
Hi Glenda--I was delighted to hear from you again. it is good news that you will be going home in february. You are going to really love that, I reckon....and to be staying with your best friend--well, that is just fantastic. The best news for me though is that you are so much better. That is like a belated Christmas gift in January. Take care and enjoy Montana for just a little bit longer. Good that you are taking your compi with you.
Glenda I'm so glad your health has improved so much. Neither wonder you're homesick though. Both you and Oreo will be glad to get back to your own surroundings again. Mary must be looking forward to having you stay with her - there's nothing like the company of good friends is there?
Very happy to hear you are getting back on your feet and back to normality Glenda. And great to see you back posting. Best of luck for the immediate future!
That's great news Glenda! So happy you're feeling so much better and I bet once you get back to Texas, you'll feel even better.
Great news Glenda! I know you have been homesick and not liking the cold Montana weather. But I also know you are going to miss Heather and the boys. I am so glad you are feeling better
February is the best month to arrive back home--things are beginning to grow, you can get outdoors and enjoy our Texas air, and everyone here on the Stew will be rejoicing with you over your return home and better health. Be sure to introduce us to Mary--she sounds like a wonderful lady.
Such good news from you Glenda. Your future looks sunny with your new digs and all. Best of luck to you.
Hi there Glenda! Good to hear from you. I'll bet you're anxious to get back to warmer weather in Texas. We'll be waiting to hear all about your new home and your friend Mary too. Safe travels!
Glad to hear you will be returning home in February. We will be looking forward to your arrival in Texas. Jerry
It will be so great going back home.Just to see Kevin and Linda.For sure my brother(Sonny )and my Jubabe.Jubabe has been really sick since I've been gone.I have missed my friends in Texas.I have really missed Dooley and dr.such dear friends.Mary and I have talked on the phone daily.She is such a dear friend .We look farward to spending our days talking about old times.She and her hubby lived next door to us when Johnny and I married in Dec.1961.She is divorced and my Johnny is watching from up above.I'm looking so farward to being with someone my age.I will miss my boys and daughter here.I have spoiled my baby Eli so bad.He has been such a joy as well as Trey and Logan.I send each of you a big hug .Eileen thanks so much for the beautiful cards.Deanna thanks for all of your wonderful cards. It started snowing here yesterday we have about 5 inches on the ground now.Oreo loves it as ya'll know how I hate it so bad .TEXAS is just so much warmer.Thank Goodness.
Hi Glenda, I was so happy to see your update. I have not been on the Stew regularly and so I have missed a lot of posts. Glad you are doing better and will be returning home. :-D