So i suddently discovered these weird eggs like stuff on my pentas pot - sorry the photo doesn't seem v good - but could someone let me know what this is, and what i should brace myself for? egg-like things... ( photo / image / picture from swmitra's Garden )
Whatever it is, scrape as much as you can off, then spray the soil with a mix of 1 tsp. baking soda in 2 c. tepid water. If it is mold/fungus, this will help stop it. If they are eggs, you'll need to wait until some bug appears to know what to do. "Yuck" comes to mind!
I agree, I had something similar and on my Sweet Woodruff patch, didn't spray it quick enough and lost quite a bit of what was really becoming lovely. Spray.
I agreed with other folks. I would try to remove it, carefully taking out some of the soil as well. Because we don't know what it is (what if it is salamander eggs?), I'd put it outside to give what ever it is a chance at life. Did this plant summer outside this year? Did you recently add mulch or soil to the pot that was old? I ask because I once repotted several plants with old potting soil, and they all sprouted mushrooms.
Thanks all. I did scrape it off along with some of the soil (and the word "yuck" did come to mind!). Maybe will do the basking soda and water thing too. I bought the container straight from a nursery. Say, could these be fungus gnat eggs? Swapna
Definitely yuck. My guess is some sort of egg... snail eggs, perhaps. In that case, what about Neem Oil??
Definitely not fungus gnats. they live down in the soil and are little "worm' like larvae. You will notice the little black gnats all over. IF they were fungus gnats you would want to start letting the soil dry out quite a bit in between watering, but I have found the need to use an insecticide on them as drying them "out" doesn't seem to get rid of them. I was leaning towards a fungus of some kind though. Scraping as much of it off and letting it dry some in between watering should also help. Good Luck.
I am not sure if you need to add anything to the Neem oil. I would mix it in the ratio it calls for and mist it on the soil. See what happens. I have used neem oil and wasn't all that pleased with the results. I just thought it should do "more" than it did. But I was using it for a different problem.
Hi from Puerto Rico, OK given the pic tells nothing but that could be Mealybug but One usually sees it on the plant.If it is an insect...,it would be mealybug.Use any organophosphate for knockdown and maintence with Dish washing liq soap(Vel) Neem oil ad Sulfur wettabl powder...Th Sulfur is a fungicide as well an an insecticide send me a good pic with detail and I can taxon the problem Atte, Esteban