Our farm's website has been updated, expanded, and improved! If you'd care to visit it and see the recipes, nature notes, hints on vegetable gardening and other topics, please visit us. My husband worked so hard on getting this just right (he's an engineer ) and we hope you enjoy it.
Will definitely check it out. And my sympathies to you for having an engineer for a husband! I say that because two of my brothers are/were engineers... and well... they do need for all things to be perfect. Right? :-D
Jane, I loved your site. I have never clicked(which goes for most of the links on signatures) on your link, I never thought to. Sorry. I enjoyed all of it.
Wonderful website...lots of good information. I have bookmarked it so I can go back and enjoy it when I have more time. Thanks for sharing.
That's a lot of website and a lot of work getting it done. Give your husband a gentle but big pat on the back for the good job.
Marlingardener you do have a great site there. Your honey is quite the handy guy to have around. My honey doesn't even know how to turn on the computer . I need to go back to your site when I have more time and look it over really good.
Thank you all for the kind words. I showed the post to my husband last night and he was so pleased that y'all are enjoying it. Cheryl, sometimes having an engineer for a husband can be very . . .interesting. However, he has been a good influence on me and he loves the cat, so I'll count him as a blessing!
I had a wander around your website too and can say that I'm very impressed. I've already saved it to my favourites so that I can pop in and out whenever I like. :-D
Jane... tell your hubby I was joking around with him! I count on my engineer brothers for help all the time. The site is very nice. Full of good info and has a nice friendly feel to it. Job well done!
Cheryl, we knew you were joking! Eileen, thank you for bookmarking us--look at the "update" once in a while, since it will have new information. We will be adding more recipes, too.