New to starting from seed and needing a little advice!

Discussion in 'Seed Starting / Propagation' started by Serena, Mar 3, 2012.

  1. Serena

    Serena New Seed

    Mar 1, 2012
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    This is my first year to start from seed and needless to say, Im super excited! I have encountered siomw issues and would appreciate some advice. Most all of my seeds have germinated and are up and growing. I am using flourscent lights about 2-3 inches from my plants. I purchased some trays that had been used by my local greenhouse the previous year. I cleaned these well before using. I also purchased a sterile seed starting medium. I cant seem to keep my trays from drying out! They are inside my house at about 75 degrees, no longer using bottom heat and I have tried to leave light, circulating air on them at all times. I will water the trays and return in 2 hours only to find some cells completely dry while others are still wet. I tried to water from the bottom and found that the water was not wicking up into the cell. There are drainage holes in each individual cell (medium sized, the black plastic kind of you see when you buy plants from the greenhouse) and the water would maybe wick up about an inch or two but not enough to get to where the seedlings are. I did a little experiment and left a tray with growing medium in it (no seeds) sitting in water overnight and it still didnt wick more than 1-2 inches. The medium drains very well when water from the top however, pouring the water on the top seems to disrupt the soil and the little plant. Of course by the time Ive gotten to the last few trays Im so tired of delicately watering each individual plant that I dont have as much control and end up dumping water all over the seedling on accident. I also tried using a mister on top since this seemed to get the surface wet and I wasnt as likely to flood the cell. I did a few experiments with the different types of watering and have started submerging the trays in a little water once per day then I still have to mist each one about 3-4 times per day.. even after all this I still notice that cells will get bone dry.. at least on the top few inches of soil. My lights are putting off very little heat but I feel that that could be part of the issue. I also started using the fan on low for about 3-4 hours a day because this seems to really get the soil dry. I want to use the fan on high for at least 8-9 hours a day tho. I live in west Texas and need plants that can stand up to some serious wind. Otherwise, they wont make it one day in our weather. Anyway, I know this was really long but I would appreciate any advice as to why Im having so many issues with dryness and maybe some tips on watering. Im finding myself crouched over my seedlings for a large portion of my day. I simply dont have time for that. Plus, Im starting to obsess like crazy. Im constantly hovering around my plants to check the moisture or resisting the urge to jab my fingers down in there to see if its drying out. Ive been so excited about this! Now Im finding myself feeling defeated and disappointed.. I want to enjoy the experience, but last night I dreamed that I got so mad that I plucked out every single seedling, sprinkled them on a salad and ate them. I really dont wanna feel this way. Gimmie some hope! Thanks so much for any advice!
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  3. rockhound

    rockhound In Flower

    Dec 28, 2011
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    I think leaving the fan on very low for a few minutes a day is enough, until you begin the "hardening off" stage which is maybe 2 weeks before planting outside. Too much fan and low humidity will dry the soil. Flor lights 2-3 inches above the plants should be about right.
  4. cherylad

    cherylad Countess of Cute-ification Plants Contributor

    May 5, 2009
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    S. Liberty County - Texas (8B)
    While reading your post I was trying to think of what was causing such dryness. And then when I read how long you had the fan on them... I thought "that must be it."
    I'd reduce the use of the fan like Rockhound said.
  5. kathyd

    kathyd In Flower

    Aug 10, 2011
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    Southern New Jersey
    Hi Serena, Welcome to the forum. The fan is good, but watch it isn't on too long or it will dry things out. I water my very, very small seedlings with an old tie-dye bottle that has a nozzle tip. It works well on things that might be run into the ground by a strong stream of water.

  6. art33

    art33 New Seed

    Oct 20, 2011
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    Hi Serena,

    First of all, welcome to GardenStew! You'll find the folks here to be very friendly and always willing to help where they can. Regardless of the fact that, at this time, you're feeling a bit "defeated and disappointed", I know you're going to overcome those feelings and that you'll be successful in your endeavor to grow from seed. I can tell from your enthusiasm, excitement, and desire to learn. You see, I've been there; I've had those same feelings at times and I imagine most folks here have too :)

    Now, regarding your problem... I find it very strange that even after leaving a tray in water overnight the growing medium still didn't wick up to the top. I would have thought it would have been completely saturated!

    Four questions:
    1) What is the name of the sterile seed starting medium that won't wick up properly?
    2) Did you dampen that medium before putting it into the individual cells, or did you put it in dry and then water it?
    3) Did you germinate your seeds in that same growing medium? Was the drying a problem then?
    4) If you turn your fan off completely, does the problem go away?

    Frank likes this.
  7. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    Welcome to the Stew, Serena! I know what you mean about wind--we are in central Texas and sometimes I feel we are living in a wind tunnel.
    Does the sterile mix have a lot of peat moss in it? If so, peat moss is notoriously hard to dampen. You need to get the top wet while bottom watering (osmosis). Use anything that has a narrow pour spout, or a squeeze bottle to get the top soil wet, and water from the bottom at the same time.
    Try turning your fan on for an hour in the morning when you turn on your grow lights, and then for another hour sometime during the day when it's convenient for you.
    Next year take a bucket, dump as much of the sterile mix as you think you'll need in it, and pour in water. Now for the fun part! Get in there with your hands and knead and stir the sterile mix until it's good and wet, then put it in the growing containers. Yes, it's messy, but gardeners love messy!
  8. sewNsow

    sewNsow In Flower

    Jan 8, 2012
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    Iowa z5
    Hi!Welcome.As someone who has been seeding for more years than I care to admit,I conquer with what everyone has said.It shouldn't be like this. It is supposed to be fun. First look to your mix.I'd use something else next year but that's not going to be of use to you now.Use some warm water with just a touch of dish soap.Rub a little on your finger & swish it in the water. This will make water wetter,acting as a surfactant & it will penetrate better.I don't think you need the fan at this stage.Plenty of time to get stuff used to wind when you have it in bigger pots,with maybe some waterZorb granules.Good thing you don't have to leave & go to work,isn't it?I know the feeling on hovering over the seedlings!
    Good luck!
    carolyn likes this.
  9. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Hi Serena and WELCOME! I was going to give you the exact same advice as Doris. Water absorbing crystals/gel and a little dish soap if you are having a hard time getting the soil moist. Your seedlings really may need a larger soil mass, also. THEY may be using a lot of moisture also, so it could be a combination of the fan, size of plant and the heat. It may not be any one issue. I leave a fan on (oscillating) for 24 hrs a day in my greenhouse, but it is not as warm as your house, either. I hope some of these suggestions help.
  10. mart

    mart Strong Ash

    Mar 31, 2010
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    NE Texas
    Hi there and welcome !! Just saw this post. Fan is one reason you are having problems but main thing is there is nothing in those sterile mixes to hold water. Mix it 50/50 with good old fashion dirt. That will get the plant used to your soil so less shock, and soil will hold water so less stress for young plants. The watering then drying stresses those roots and if repeated enough will stunt plant growth. Your plant supplier has a system to constantly mist the plants during warm weather so even though he runs a fan for air circulation, the humidity level is high enough that he doesn`t worry about the seedlings drying out.

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