75 deg. F. We have the house open to get all the fresh air in that we can. Got the wood shed straightened up this afternoon. Had a cord of wood that was outside and covered with a tarp, so we moved it in and got it stacked. I started the season with 6 cord and only used 2 1/2. So I have a leg up on this next winter. I have already called my guy and told him to get me 2 more cord so I can get it split and stacked so it will dry out.
That's great Capt! We had a gorgeous day here too. I started some raking and trimmed a few branches. Spring is in the air!
it was beautiful here too and going to be in upper 70's all week yay I think spring is here and thats great capt youre ahead for next winter
It was so nice on Sun. that I went ahead and grilled steaks on the charcoal grill! Man were they ever good!
WooHoo it was beautiful here on Sunday as well. Temp's in the 60's. But I really have to keep my enthusiasum in check. I just know that we will at some point get another blankity, blank, snow storm. This is harder than having snow on the ground. I want to get out there and plant, plant, plant. But it is way to early. I could just :'(
We had a rainy, cool weekend. This is not a complaint, just a statement of fact. We have been in a drought so the rain is welcome. Spring break started for Texas schools and South Padre Island is bustling with local students and others trying to escape cooler northern temps. Our church is having a spring break activity called Champs Camp. We usually have about 400 kids from the community attend and about 100 college students plus 50 of our youth and adult workers to keep things moving. The college students live at the church during the week and our food service dept feeds them 3 meals a day during that time. Supposed to get to 90 later on in the week. Just rambling, sorry.