Yeah, been wearing shorts since about January big deal! Will probably be wearing them for another 7 months at least But I am glad you have weather that requires you to finally get a chance to wear them.
The thing that annoys me about warm weather is all the girls wearing shorts so short you could see their cheeks if they bent over Other than that, Im loving the weather
As the daytime temperatures retreat to the 40' and 50's the shorts remain unused. Continued warm weather remains elusive, but we can dream and wait. Jerry
Like Toni said... it's been shorts weather for a while down here. Today... it was 85F and should be even a tad bit warmer over the weekend. Capt... your reply to Bip make me chuckle! [/quote]
*lol* Well, considering Im a girl and I dont swing that way...its kinda gross to me Im all for shorter-than-knee-length shorts, but thats a bit -too- short imo