Roots of neighbors tree after Irene, that they will never do anything with. I have to look at it every day. So yesterday I snuck over there and raked the dead leaves away from it and threw morning glory seeds all over it
With all the super plant-breeding being done these days, you'd think somebody would be selling an F-1 hybrid morning glory that is pollen-sterile and won't make seeds. It is a nice flower in several colors that can turn into a pest if left unwatched for even a short time. Good idea on the stump tho, real guerilla gardening!
That will certainly disguise the seedy underside of the tree and make is pretty and colorful. A few purple hyacinth bean will not hurt it either. I often plant them together.
Great idea! I can just picture you all in camouflage sneaking under the fence with a bag of seeds at the ready.
Guerilla gardening and camouflage. Made me laugh. Camouflaged I was. I was shoveling mulch all day so was really dirty. Carol, Thanks for another idea. I have hycinth beans. Going to sneak back over there with a few.
Boy, I think you sound like a great neighbor. Would invite you to throw some in my back yard but my boys would tell on you if they were out. Most of my gardening is done in my front yard due to my boys. They have no respect for gardening and love to eat my zinnia leaves.....they are worse than a bunch of goats with zinnias.
30 years ago. 2 sister had many trellis of Morning glories.Corn field on both side of the house-25 years later after they passed away in full bloom. Every color in the rainbow.
I had an 80 foot wall of morning glories along the long front porch at my big house. Here I just planted about 12 feet along the front fence. I want to get some more. Just have other things to do first. dooley
way to go who can deny beauty what do hyacinth beans look like are they pretty if so will have to try and find some thanks for the laugh this morning