I made it back to Texas.the 13th.I'm at my friend Mary's home now but I will be going home the 4th or 5th of April.I was told my Insurance would not cover me here I will miss Mary as its been fun for a week.I have seen my son (Kevin) and Linda and my brother(Sonny)and jubabe.I was sure glad to see them.I have been missing my babies.Trey turned 8 years old the 26th of March.He is really growing up on me.
There is no place like home, congratulations Glenda, glad to hear you finally made it. Indeed, it has been a long while. Jerry
What good news!! You and Oreo will soon be back in your own home again and I know you're going to love being there after all this time.
Hello there, Glenda! I am happy to hear that you are back home in Texas. No doubt you missed it quite a lot. It is a shame about the insurence thing, isn't it. Oh well, I suppose that you will be pretty pleased to be in your own home again, won't you? it has been a long time away for you. Anyway--welcome home.
All that stuff the others said... times two! Glad you finally were able to get back to your own home.
Thanks all my Stew friends.I will be happy in my home.So will my little Oreo.HE enjoyed the boys and he did like the snow in Montana.I kept telling him he was loco.he payed me no mind.
Thank you so much Netty,Like so many said there is no place like home. Sjored I missed it more than anyone could know.The Peacocks are still there and coming into our yards.I'll get a picture of them in my yard when I get back to my home.
Glenda like everyone else has said; so glad you made it back home safe and sound. Yes there is not place like home. Peacocks! Wow how neat.
Thank you tooty.those two peahens' are a pain in my butt,they scratch everything up and crap on my poarch.I have thought abought.peahen soup.