Some shots that I have taken of birds at my feeders or in my yard. Hope you enjoy them. Have a bloomin day!! This one is in my avatar... Goldfinch in the morning light....
You certainly know just how to take terrific photographs DW. Wonderful shots of three very handsome birds.
I find your pictures have a lot to say, your pictures capture the silent moments in a birds daily life that somehow slip by us unnoticed. We benefit from your good eye for nature. Thank you. Jerry
Those were great shots. Lighting has got to be the biggest problem for most of my pictures. Yours always seem to be perfect.
Thank you very much!..I am greatly humbled by your comment. Thank you, Carolyn!..but not perfect by a long shot. I am just really lucky and I've been lugging this camera and lens around going on 20 years now. Your pics are yours and mine are mine, both special in their own way. Remember the world would be be really boring if we were all the same.
I agree with the others... some more great photos. They look like they could be postcards! And I also like your last comment about how everyone's photos are special in their own way. Very well said.
Deepwoods--I agree with the other posters. Your photos are truly incredible. They capture a quiet still moment in the lives of very busy little creatures. I am not surprised to hear that you have been "lugging this camera...around going on 20 years now." Your experience is obvious.
I always enjoy the birds shots. watching my birds all the time but I don't have a very good camera so I don't get nice pics like that. thanks for sharing.