Are you a Cat person or dog person?

Discussion in 'Pets' started by Tooty2shoes, Jul 30, 2011.

  1. White_Wolfe

    White_Wolfe Seedling

    Mar 8, 2012
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    South Florida
    I love all animals but my favorites would be dogs and monkeys. I've had monkeys, dogs, cats, a parrot, a love bird, ferrets, gerbhils, hamsters, a 4 ft. Iguana in my back yard, you name it.

    I lost my "Old Man Dog" Jedi, a few months ago. He was 15, a merle Australian Shepherd and chow mix. I still have three dogs. Kodi Bear, 12 years old, 85 lbs, black, Lab and Chow mix, Ghost Wolf, 10 years old, 130 lbs, white, German Shepherd (looks just like avatar) and Dak Dingo, 10 years old, 125 lbs, Red Sable, German Shepherd. They were all rescues in one way or another, are all absolutely spoiled rotten and love their Mommy. I never worry about anyone bothering me with these boys on duty. They are all senior citizens now and I don't even like to think about losing them but I know I will always have a dog/dogs in my life.

    No cats allowed at my house however with these three. Unfortunately they act just like dogs and are guilty of catching racoons, possums and even squirrels in my yard. Their yard belongs to them and them alone. My neighbors let their cats run loose and everytime I let my dogs out I am hoping one of them hasn't found their way into my back yard. I see the cats occasionally in my unfenced front yard but hopefully, the dogs are out enough to deter them from investigating the back.
  2. gaila

    gaila New Seed

    Feb 3, 2012
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    Myrtle Beach
    Amazing!- the GSD i lost was a White Sheperd. I have a 90 pound Black and tan Sheperd, and 2 Rottweilers. (Zeus and Tyson)I adopted Tyson a couple of years ago. They are truly the Apples of my eyes. I'm glad you love dogs!- ME TOO!
    Tooty2shoes likes this.
  3. White_Wolfe

    White_Wolfe Seedling

    Mar 8, 2012
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    South Florida
    Gaila, I had two White Shepherds before this, they were from the same litter, named Zeus and Herc. At the same time I had a Black and Tan Shepherd named Thor. Those three traveled all the way across country with my son and I on a month long camping trip. They were amazing. People couldn't get over how well behaved they were and I lost track of how many took their pictures. God, it was so hard when I lost them. One thing I've learned tho. When a furbaby dies it leaves a hole in my heart and they can never be replaced but there always seems to be enough room for another. It hurts so bad to lose them but the love and companionship they give you makes it worth the pain. Besides, I know I have a lot of loved ones waiting for me when I get to Heaven.
    Tooty2shoes and donna in nc like this.
  4. Tooty2shoes

    Tooty2shoes Hardy Maple

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Denmark, Wis.
    White_Wolfe You have some beautiful dogs. You like I, sure have had our share of beloved furbabies. Each with their own unique personality. Rescue doges have a special place in my heart.
    From 1986-1989 I lived in a small town where I took on the job of running their local dog pound. I was a mess to say the least. They had a 50% or more kill rate. :eek:
    I had seen a lot of mistreated dogs in that job. I often would say that, I would like to put those people in the cages and let the dogs run free. By the time I quite the job I had a 80% placement rate, had started a vaccination program for Parvo. I loved and hated that job.
    One of my favorite breeds is the Aussie. They are so versatile. Plus each dog has it's own unique coat color and pattern.
    I to know I will have many furbies greet me when I get to heaven. If I haven't said it already. Welcome to the stew. This is a great community. :stew1:
    Philip Nulty likes this.

  5. White_Wolfe

    White_Wolfe Seedling

    Mar 8, 2012
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    South Florida
    T2T what a wonderful job you did at the pound. An 80% placement rate from a 50% or more kill rate......that is amazing. I know you put a lot of hard work as well as love into that job. I've thought about volunteering at the local pound but I know emotionally I coulcn't handle it.....nor could I afford all the dogs I would end up with. :D

    People who abuse animals, little kids or the elderly should have the same thing done to them IMHO. People who fight dogs should be put into a cage and forced to fight just they way they make the dogs fight.........I'll shut up now before I tell you how I really feel. :-x
    Tooty2shoes likes this.
  6. Tooty2shoes

    Tooty2shoes Hardy Maple

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Denmark, Wis.
    WW I agree with you whole heartedly. Thank you for the cudo's. I even had 2 littlers of puppies born at the pound. I was able to place them all in good homes. :-D Even the Mom's got great homes. :-D Much prayer went into placing each pet. Plus I was able to get the local newspaper to put in free ads for the adoptable pets with a picture. That was a real blessing. Pictures are worth a thousand words. Especially if you are cute as a bug's ear.
    I had one very large and sweet shepherd mix that I found tied to the fench one morning at the kennel. He had porcupine quills all in his face and mouth. :'( :-x But was so happy to see me he sat down and let me inspect him and pet him. Then it was in the car and off to the vet who charged me nothing to pull all the quills out. He was a such a great vet to work with. 2wks later Bear-that's the name I gave him because he was so big and lovable. Found a new forever home with an elderly couple. They wanted a big dog that would look intimidating if someone ever tried to break in their place. Bear would put up a good show and then lick you to death. He weighed in at around 80lbs.
    When I quite the job I did come home with only one puppy as all the others had been placed before I left. I was so glad when the Humane society opened a shelter the next year.
    I to had thought of volunteering at the local shelter to walk the dogs. But I know I would come home with way to many extra furry friends. Have a great rest of the day. 2T2 over and out. :stew1:
  7. luvdirtyhands1

    luvdirtyhands1 Seedling

    Mar 26, 2012
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    Clifton N.J.
    I am a lover of all animals ( except, perhaps, snakes!), but I am really a bird person! I have a Senegal parrot, a disabled cockatiel, a tiny Diamond dove, 3 budgies & an umbrella cockatoo ( who is staying at my son's place because I have tenants upstairs who can't stand the noise he makes). I also have a truly perfect little chihuahua named Skippy. You couldn't ask for a better behaved little dog.
    Tooty2shoes likes this.
  8. White_Wolfe

    White_Wolfe Seedling

    Mar 8, 2012
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    South Florida
    T2T said " Much prayer went into placing each pet."

    Sounds like you know where the help comes from T2T.
    Tooty2shoes likes this.
  9. Tooty2shoes

    Tooty2shoes Hardy Maple

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Denmark, Wis.
    Luv all those birds are really blessed to have you caring for them. They are all so unique. Yes I do not think I would want to live above a cockatoo either. They can really raise the roof so to speak :D.
    My uncle use to have a chihuahua named Princes. But she was more like a tiger. Had quite the attitude when it came to bigger dogs. I never saw one who could stand up to her.

    WW-I am so thankful for that. One dog we had returned as a stray turned out to be someones pet they had lost 2yrs before. They had not given up hope of finding their Samoyed dog and every week checked the pound. The guy that had run the pound before I took over had actually sold :eek: there dog. I was so happy to see the smiles on every ones face. I'm sure they prayed for his safe return. Many happy tails go with that job. :-D
  10. FountainMan

    FountainMan Seedling

    Jul 12, 2011
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    I'm a cat person. Grew up around them and one thing I've learned is that people seem to "over hate" them. I understand some cats are mean, moody, annoying, and a pain but after growing up around them I must say not as bad as people say they are. Friendly and easy to take care of. Of course I think breeding also plays a roll in personality. I've always had the Brown Tabbies. They are the friendliest and the funniest. The type of cats that are usually skiddish are like the Siamese, Black cats, mixed colors, Russian Blue's. But Tabbies are usually friendly guys. One of my cats Iggy is one of those. He acts like a dog. Walks like one always inspects visitors. To me it's the dogs I can't stand. Always barking. Some dogs like to harass others passing by. Even well trained dogs at a park see other dogs and go crasy. And if a cat attacks you get scratched up. But dogs have killed people. And besides the fact dogs are high maintenence.
    Tooty2shoes likes this.
  11. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    Fountain man, cats are wonderful companions, as long as you are willing to take instructions well and be subservient! Our calico is the mellowest, sweetest-tempered cat, but she does have her wants and needs and they had better be attended to without delay!
    I love dogs, too, and while we are dogless now, I hope that situation will change soon. Our boys were always friendly, quiet, and tidy. That's probably because they were setting a good example for me. :rolleyes:
    About the only animal I don't like is a skunk, and that's because one has taken up residence under our workshop. Otherwise, skunks in the pasture are fine!
    Tooty2shoes likes this.
  12. Tooty2shoes

    Tooty2shoes Hardy Maple

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Denmark, Wis.
    Fountainman I have found a lot of different breeds to be friendly. I guess it all depends on their own personality. But they are definitely lower maintenance. But a cat bite can be deadly because of the bacteria in their mouths. Our neighbor had his dog almost die after being bitten by a stray cat. So you can get seriously ill from their attacks as well.

    Marlingardener: Your kitties sound so sweet. Hope you find that special little pooch to fill that gap. As for the skunk. Get some Shake-away. It's made out of cyote or Fox urine. You sprinkle it around and the animals will stay away because they think that they are in their territory. It has worked to keep Woodchucks out of our barn and other critters.
  13. snow1

    snow1 New Seed

    Apr 8, 2012
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    Lubbock, Texas

    Dogs of course, but I do feed the stray cats at times, especially in the winter. I have to lovely, protective dogs who think they are my babies, which, of course, they are. thank goodness I married a man who loves them as much as I do.
    Tooty2shoes likes this.
  14. tschnath

    tschnath In Flower

    Mar 6, 2008
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    Southern Maine (zone 5)
    we love cats and dogs but I have to say after having my first dog, which I just got a year and a half ago, I currently favor the dog. cats are nice and certainly less work (we curently have 2, Shimmer is 10 and lays about most of the time, while Cracker is a year and a half and is more of a trouble maker) but there is nothing like coming home to a dog who has missed you (even if you were only gone for 15 minutes). I've had cats all my life and they were always rescued. My dog (Kallie) was also a rescue that we just happened to find and I'm so glad we did. I wouldn't know what to do without her. She's an Australian Shepherd/Cattle dog mix (Blue Merle) and she's is the best dog ever. She was 5 when we got her and she has the best manners and personnality. We love all our animals, but I do favor my Kallie.
    Tooty2shoes likes this.
  15. Tooty2shoes

    Tooty2shoes Hardy Maple

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Denmark, Wis.
    tschnath I to love Aussies. I had always owned them before we got our little poodle mix. I miss the breeds neat colors and great personalities. But I sure do not miss all the dog hair. I think my next dog will be a Aussie and Standard Poodle mix. My current little dog is a rescue dog and she is sitting on my lap right now soaking up attention. We love her.

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