Every year for my birthday, my twins (now 28) give me two hours of hard labor in the yard. Usually it's trimming dead tree branches, moving heavy rocks, anything heavy. They do all my heavy lifting. This year we're building trellis's - trelli? - for my summer veges. Got the wood ready. They'll be grateful not to break their backs this year!
Congratulations! that is a great Birthday present. I thought they were 20. not 2 :-D Show us your present when it is all done.
Hmmm.......putting 2 year olds to work in the garden. Tisk, tisk When I was two the only dirt I was allowed to get into were mudpies. My, how times have changed. Hope to see a picture of their handiwork. Jerry
Blimey I thought you had 2 year old twins with superpowers!! Isn't it nice when our children grow up and help us out? :-D
Sure would have been some interesting photos of 2 year olds trimming trees! But I figured the smiley got accidentally switched for a number. That's a great birthday present.... something you want, need and will cherish and use for years and years!
Hey muddypaws, Have a Happy Birthday!! I have a 29 year old. Not a twin, wish there were two of him!!
Thanks all! Turned out to be a beautiful day, and the boys did a great job building me three trellis's for my vegies this year. Plus we had lots of fun. I am lucky to have such good kids!