Awww Barb what a wonderful series of photographs!! Now all we have to do is name the new baby. :-D Maybe Quentin if it's a male or Queenie if it's a female???
Oh no. The button quail are terrible for not sitting on their eggs. They just drop them and leave them. So we take them every day and put them in the incabator. I hatch them, grow them up and let them go back out with the chickens. They have a small cage within the chicken pens but next year we will seal all the larger spots around the door and let a few run right with the chickens to see if they will sit under the chickens when they get cold. They can take the cold cause they have been there for years now. I used to raise hundreds and sell them for $1.00 in the stores. They really retail for $10 and $20.I have all the different colors. This little guy here will be silver. Barb in Pa.
Great stuff Barb!! I have about 30 golden seabright bantam eggs in the incubator now...due around the 1st week of May.
DeepWoods, They are nice birds. I a few kinds of bantam but I am trying to get away from them and get very large egg producers yet make sure they are nice looking for me to have around. I see my eggs and have to stay up with the competition. The people love it when I throw one green egg in to the dozen. Barb in Pa.
sweet, Barb. Show us some more of the quails, though. I am not sure I have seen them before. For sure not chicks. You need to get a few welsummers, if you want beautiful, nice, quiet girls, they aren't flighty or growly when they are in the nesting box, with a really nice dark brown egg. I have three of them and I love them. I would take more of them if I had a choice over some of the other heritage breeds. Buckeys and buff orpingtons are on my "not again" list.
What a fantastic series of photo's! These new beginnings are so fragile and tiny. Barb, I have a question on quails, maybe you can help me. My neighbours have recently added a few quails to their aviary, and they make the strangest noise: they snore! Does this sound familiar, and, most of all, do you know what makes them do this? It really sounds like someone in a very deep sleep, and is quite hilarious. Thanks
We just keep a few of the bantams to be able to raise some chicks to sell and we love to pickle the bantam eggs. They are just cool little chickens. We have Rhode Island Reds and Silver-penciled Wyandott/Silver-laced Wyandotte cross', and a few mixed breeds for layers.
Barb--What a wonderful sequence of photos! Thank you so much for posting them. I love hearing about what everybody is up to on this site! We sure are an interesting crew.