For a long time i've been wanting the old 1950's wrought-iron patio furniture with the ivy & leaves decoration. I have a loveseat & chair already, but needed patio table & chairs. Put ad on craigslist; actually, I put it under barter as I had several items to trade. Lady e-mailed me yesterday that she had a table & 4 chairs & I could just have them...she didn't want to barter! I can't believe my good fortune, lately. It's almost like I think of something I need & it just materializes! Taking my teen helper to pick them up later today. I will get pics. of all my freebies & finds very soon... having trouble getting anyone to show me how to post them!
Gosh you really are doing well with all the stuff you've been getting lately aren't you? I can hardly wait to see the new garden furniture.
LDH, you have found some great things of late. Since you have that teenager to help you have him/her show you what to do with the pictures, too. I had to have my daughter help me yesterday so I could load all my bee pictures since I was using Kevins computer, which has windows on it, to do my posting yesterday. I had to have my son show me on this computer, since we linnux on this one. I like linnux better than windows, but it is just learning how each one works. Neither was difficult. Good luck!
Sounds like a great find luv. Can't wait to see the pics. Posting pics isn't as hard as it may seen. Frank has some good directions and Toni posted the link for you. Good luck!
I never even considered asking my teen helper to show me how to post pics.! Of course all teens are so technologically saavy.Thanks carolyn keiper! Thanks also to Toni,for the link on how to post pics. I'm going to check it out in a little while. MAYBE I can even figure it out without any help!
What a great score for you. One of my cast iron chair legs broke last year, so now just have 1 chair to go with the table. I'm hoping to find another one. Perhaps your luck will rub off on me.