Calin--I am surpirsed that there are Erth's native to Romania.I have grown the yellow ones and last fall purchased bulbs of the pink. They are up this spring. I shall see how they do.
THANKS! Yes... lots of changes each time I go to my garden. We have been blessed with rains... after complaining it's been a dry spring. Everything is growing nicely. The blossoms are plum, peach (the pink one) and pear. Apple are also cool they start as dark pink buds. Apple trees are NOW in bloom. I hope to take some pics.
It does. At least in my garden and this year! First time to have this bloom so no idea if this is the pattern.
YEEES... I will send you some peaches as prize! Thanks Barb... my camera is funny. The shutters don't open fully so I may have to send it into service... But here's a new batch
Beautiful Calin. I particularly like how you put the pix together in a collage. Your garden is at least a month ahead of gardens in New England (Northeat USA)
Beautiful blooms and such a variety. I like seeing entire flower beds... so that first one is my favorite of this batch.
Thanks. Well, even in Romania (which by no means compare in size with the US) we have different zones... I may have a tulip already setting the seed capsule and the same tulip starting to bloom somewhere else. About the flower beds... I know they don't look that great (worthy of a picture) and there's still much to do, and even plants to "plant" YES --- not running out of space! SO I tend to focus on close-ups