Oh Barb, No! I love chicks listening to the peepy little noises they make. It is well worth a little fluff in my tea. I would probably neglect them if I was addicted to the social media of life So lucky for them, I am not. My kitchen would probably smell good, IF I cooked. Right now it is fend for yourself...nightly, until the greenhouse stuff slows down. :-D
Back to the original subject of this topic I really don't understand Twitter, I joined when Frank put GardenStew on there but I haven't visited there in a long time. Thought about getting onto Facebook but I don't know anyone I want to keep in touch with that much, especially not relatives I can see where it would be helpful for keeping up with family news, etc. though. I'll just stick with hanging out on GardenStew.
I'm with you Toni! We moved to Texas to stay away from family members, and so far it's worked. I don't twitter and I don't tweet, but I do occasionally cluck to my hens (sorry, just had to say that! )
quote: "I don't twitter and I don't tweet, but I do occasionally cluck to my hens" I want that line on a T-shirt!