Woke up this morning to some frost on the windshield. It got down to 26 someone said this morning. It's almost May :-|
We're still having low temperatures during the day and frosts at night. Mind you I come from Scotland in the UK where the frosts can last until the end of May.
Clay, I am 90 miles South-West of you and we missed the frost last night but we had a killer frost about 10 days ago. It killed my Kiwi tips but not my Red Maples. I delivered many a baby birds up your way. Nice area. I always enjoyed that trip. Netty, Such weird weather. What do you think Summer will bring..... Barb in Pa.
Thursday night I brought everything in the house because the weather man forcasted frost for us :-x Woke up to frost and light snow~ sure glad I brought my geraniums in!!!!!! We can get frost clear into June
Hard Frost! Yes, they're predicting hard frost for tonight and frost again tomorrow night. ~sigh~ That should (fingers crossed) be the last of it. A few weeks ago I planted out some lily plants and garden peas. The peas have actually started to emerge! I covered up all of them and are hoping for the best. Hang in there, that's all you can do!
I am hoping our frost is done...things started growing so early and then we went below normal and keep getting frost....I just want our nights warmer than freezing and to stay that way.
Sherry, I so totally understand...We cover the strawberries EVERY NIGHT and there are still a bunch with black centers...I just want it to quit frosting at nighttime...PLEASE!!!!
we had another night with freeze warnings, and woke up to frost on the grass. and today, hopefully, will warm up a bit. haven't really planted anything yet, but will probably put it into full gear within a week or so....garden centers (local, not big box) are not even open full time yet, but i expect probably by the week-end.