My hunt for a Clematis

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by cherylad, May 23, 2012.

  1. cherylad

    cherylad Countess of Cute-ification Plants Contributor

    May 5, 2009
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    S. Liberty County - Texas (8B)
    So after seeing everyone's Clematis lately, I've really been wanting to get one. I looked at one nursery earlier this year and all they had were a couple and didn't know what "name" or color of the blooms.
    So, I went back yesterday to see if they had gotten more in. Well... the same 3 pots... still no tags and no one knew what color blooms. "I think they may be white," said one girl. I said "I think I'll go look somewhere else."
    And something that I saw there made me decide not to even bother with them any more. In front, they have lovely flower beds with a wide variety of plants. I enjoy seeing the planting combinations. I was there around noon and it was in the mid-90s by then and they had the sprinklers on the plants. Not a drip or soaker hose... but spraying the entire area. In the heat of the day? Really?
    So I stop at the new BIG nursery. I should have known better. But the first person I asked actually knew what they were but said he didn't think they had them. Hey... I might like this location better... someone here has a little knowledge and speaks English. So he directs me inside to ask the manager about them. Two ladies ask if they can help me. I ask if they have any Clematis. They look at me like I'm from mars. I tell them it's a vine. They shrug and call out to the manager... "do we carry Clematis (with a Spanish accent)?" He shouts back... "yes... the tomatoes (with a Spanish accent) are out back. I burst out laughing. I said.. "No.. CLEMATIS!" I get another "martian-stare". I say... "It's a vine." He shrugs. I leave. Not going back there either. But at least at this location their employees speak English.
    Next stop is this nursery that I keep forgetting about because it's a little tricky getting too. They have alot of plants and a great variety. First guy I see, I ask about Clematis. Yes... they are WAYYYYYY in the back (with a Spanish accent). So I go to the back of their lot and find them. Nice assortment. Some had name-tags and other's didn't. Not that I would know one from the other just by the name... but I want to know what I'm getting. But I do see one in the middle with a pretty pale purple/pinkish flower. So I ask another guy to come and get it for me... since I would have had to step over the other plants to reach it.
    He obliged. So I came home with "Hagley Hybrid Pink".

    Clematis - Hagley Hybrid Pink ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden )
    stratsmom, Henry Johnson and Jewell like this.
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  3. Annette

    Annette Seedling

    Mar 10, 2007
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    buffalo, ny
    lovely!....i bought my first clematis at a local hardware/home improvement store!'ll love it (and probably want another one)
  4. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    Cheryl, learn Spanish. It makes life in Texas so much easier!
    Your clematis is lovely, and Annette is right--this is only the first one.
    I have the native clematis (clematis pitcherii) otherwise known as Pitcher clematis, or Leathercup. It doesn't look anything like yours, but at least I can keep it alive!
  5. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a know what I am going to ask..right? This plant isn't in our database so if you would suggested it under the name Clematis 'Hagley Hybrid' that would be great. ;)

    I have never found a growing Clematis for sale around here. I have to buy the bulbs or order growing vines on line.
    I know what you mean about garden center employees not knowing what they are selling or cares to learn. :rolleyes:

  6. cherylad

    cherylad Countess of Cute-ification Plants Contributor

    May 5, 2009
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    S. Liberty County - Texas (8B)
    Annette... If I can keep this one alive, I'm sure I'll be getting more. The flowers are just so lovely.

    Jane... I know some Spanish. I just feel that if someone is dealing with the public in a service capacity, they should speak the language of that area. Period.

    Toni... I'll suggest it now. I, too, thought I was going to have to order one. Nice to know that this place carries them.
    I also saw so many different plants from my usual places. They have moved up on my list of favorite nurseries. Now... if they just had a mark-down table! :D
  7. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    That looks like a winner, Cheryl. I assume that it is a spring/early summer bloomer, right? i may look this one up later, as I like Clematis plants and am curious.
    At any rate, it is one of a lovely shade. I hope that it will do well for you.

    ...sayyyyyy....I realize that it is a bit late, but did you inform yourself of how to plant Clematises before you planted it?

    If not, then probably all will go well but should you ever get another (I personally find that one is never enough ;-) )then you might read a bit about the planting procedure.

    I hope that your new Clematis will live a long time and give you lotsa pleasure.
  8. TheBip

    TheBip Young Pine

    Mar 25, 2007
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    Columbus, IN zone 6a
    All the garden centers around here carry clematis, the hard part is finding one thats cheaper than $14 *eyeroll* finally found one on sale for $8, Henryi (weird name...), its a white one :) Gonna put it next to my President
  9. cherylad

    cherylad Countess of Cute-ification Plants Contributor

    May 5, 2009
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    S. Liberty County - Texas (8B)
    Sjoerd... I haven't planted it yet. But I have done some reading up on it. From what I recall... the roots need to stay "cool" and the plant can take some sun.
    I posted earlier about the location I have in mind for it.

    In the photo, you're looking north. The tree is full leaves now and has nice shade but still allows some sun to filter in.
    There's plants on the south side of that pole. I'm thinking of planting the Clematis between the pol and the bench.
    Do you think it will do well there?
  10. Annette

    Annette Seedling

    Mar 10, 2007
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    buffalo, ny
    you are right, cherylad..... clematis like sunny tops and cool 'feet' so you'll need to shade the bottom with something, i've used rocks, plants, whatever you have handy. i'm sure it will do fine in your spot.
  11. cherylad

    cherylad Countess of Cute-ification Plants Contributor

    May 5, 2009
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    S. Liberty County - Texas (8B)
    Thanks Annette!
  12. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    I had to laugh at your first post, sorry. :D I always leave the premises if I get a blank stare and an "Uuuuhhh..." when I ask a question unless I know this is the only place I can get whatever it is I want.

    Congratulations on your first clematis! It's very pretty. :D I hope she'll grow well and bloom a lot for you.

    I just decided that my husband will like a fence covered with different types of Clematis, so I will buy one per month for the next six months or so. :D The first one's waiting to be planted now. She's called "Princess Diana", a bell-shaped, dark pink bloom if the tag is anything to go by.

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