Across the back of my property, I have 2 lilly hedges. Twenty years ago I planted one line of single ditch lillies across the back. They are now 10 ft. wide!
We call them ditch lillies, because they grow wild in the roadside ditches. Some people also call them Tiger Lillys.
Looks great Capt! I think I know what I will do with the Lily's I'm digging up to expand my Hosta Bed!
My sister-in-law, who also lives in Ohio, says all her neighbors call them ditch lilies. Here in New England, we just call them common day lilies.
I have a neighbor that has 2 huge round beds of these in his front yard. They are each about 30 ft across. They are in a shady area and he couldn't get grass to grow there so he planted these.
A friend who is from Tenn -they call them Homestead Lily. Good to hold soil-also Pretty like yours. I have many areas also-butterflies love them.
Strange same plant called so many different names. My Tiger lily-is old fashion Asian. Hasn't bloomed . Rescued from old farm-stead. Going to take house down-over 5 feet tall.