Kitty Helper - Litter and Catnip Questions

Discussion in 'Gardening Other' started by PeggySuetheStew, May 29, 2005.

  1. PeggySuetheStew

    PeggySuetheStew Seedling

    May 29, 2005
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    Northern Virginia/ DC metro
    :idea: This year we got a kitten and his litter being sprinkled around my beds has helped keep away the critters who have loved my roses and other plants so much! I have a wooded area behind me that provides a beautiful view and a mix of rabbits, ground hogs, deer, and a family of foxes. I use a litter box product that is recycled pine trees and just recently used one that is recycled newspaper. The newspaper one says it does not recomend using in the garden, anyone have an idea why? I just sprinkled it around the edges so help boost the Kitty's presence. Anyone have any comments? <meow> BTW, my catnip is finally coming up, does it have to be dried for Kitty to enjoy it?
  2. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    Re: Kitty Helper

    To my knowledge it does not have to be dried, in fact according to the following informative article the fresher the better ... catnip.htm . Have you ever witnessed a cat's reaction to catnip? I would love to see that :smt042

    As for why not to use the newspaper form of kitty litter in the garden I was unable to find a reliable answer anywhere. Maybe someone else knows the answer?

    We have to see photos of this kitten Peggy :smt036 What's its name by the way?
  3. PeggySuetheStew

    PeggySuetheStew Seedling

    May 29, 2005
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    Northern Virginia/ DC metro
    Sylvester is the culprit's name. He's quite the fiesty fellow! Now I think he's yearning to get outside and discover what he is catching a whiff of from the deck door! He's indoors only, but wants to go on safari! :?

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