About a month ago, my dioscorea went into it's dormant phase. All the leaves browned so I removed them and stopped watering it. I placed it in my bedroom with some other plants out of the way and forgot about it. I looked at it yesterday and it's put out a big new vine already! I thought that it would stay dormant for the whole of summer and put out a new vine in the autumn? It is kept indoors the whole time so I'm wondering if it's a bit confused due to it's climate? You can't really see in the pic but the end of the vine looks like a flower head rather than a leaf. Do you think it's flowering? I've given it a little frame to climb up so hopefully it's happy!
After doing some research it seems that it's up to the plant when it puts out a new vine and isn't determined by the seasons. So it can sit dormant for months or weeks depending on what it feels like doing!