I'm also waiting for my Ceropegia to bloom. Well Joe, if you can't find a C. sandersonii (which btw, I find it the nicest in terms of bloom size and prettiness) and there is something you may have in return... I could send you a couple small plants. From seeds, not cuttings.
Wow that's very kind of you! The only plant I have that is putting out babies at the moment is my Agave Americana. I'd gladly send you one of those.
thank you very much chocolate :-D I'm pretty sure it will done very well with your parachute plant :-D and will certainly make a lot of flowers,,I know you love plants :-D :-D glendann thank you very very much :-D :-D thank you very much Joe Caudex :-D I love Ceropegias :-D I have more species,,,,, finally managed to win the bid? flourished Adenium obesum Common names include Sabi Star , Kudu , Mock Azalea , Impala Lily and Desert-rose
My little adenium died. I think I might have overwatered it because the caudex rotted and the plant died. :'( It was only a seedling so not so bad. Here are some of my plants doing well. Theo you gave me these first ones I will show. Can you tell me the name of these ones? :-D All of the plants you sent are doing very well Theo, thank you for those! Here are some others of mine doing well. Dioscorea Elephantipes Dorstenia Foetida flowering Euphorbia Pachypodioides Flowering Kalanchoe And of course my prized Sinningia Leucotricha!
Joe I am sorry that you died the plant Adenium, but I am glad for all the plants you are growing :-D the first is Senecio articulatus ,2]species Euphorbia,and 3] Kalanchoe daigremontiana yesterday and today blossomed Ceropegia simonae Uncarina peltata Ceropegia variegata Stapelia cedrimontana
Wow! You've got the most unusual plants. I've seen some of them in books, but not all, and they're really something else.