Hoping for better results next year - powdery mold?

Discussion in 'Plant Pests, Diseases and Weeds' started by ToadinNH, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. ToadinNH

    ToadinNH New Seed

    Jun 24, 2012
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    Seacoast NH
    Planted a couple honeysuckle vines in mid-June. They looked fine until I planted them. Care tag said sun-part shade, so they should be okay there. they get a couple hours of direct sunlight a day, then dappled sun through the tree.

    They have been going downhill. One looks horrible, but it's managed to squeeze out a few flowers. The other one - ha...nothing left.

    The leaves looked like they have some sort of mold. I kept cutting off the bad leaves, but the new ones would eventually have the same thing.

    I give up this year. What can I do to help them along next year if they decide to give me another chance?

    Sick Huneysuckle ( photo / image / picture from ToadinNH's Garden )

    ( photo / image / picture from ToadinNH's Garden )

    ( photo / image / picture from ToadinNH's Garden )
  2. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    They have powdery mildew. Spray them with a baking soda water recipe (1 t.soda/1quart water and a drop or two of dish soap), a dilution of milk in water (which I haven't done, but others say it works well, Mart has the recipe, I think) or if you already have a commercial solution of a fungicide (or go buy one) and get it sprayed ASAP. This will help immediately otherwise you may loose this one too. The other one probably died and you won't see it come back next year.
    AngieMillz likes this.
  3. ToadinNH

    ToadinNH New Seed

    Jun 24, 2012
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    Seacoast NH
    Thank you carolyn - I will give that a try! The plant that I thought was gone is growing new leaves. I will spray both of them today w/baking soda solution. I'd rather keep it non-toxic if possible because if my furry little leaf sniffer (the dog...lol). =)

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