I am also been looking for passion flower if any one has the bulbs or seeds. I will pay for the bulbs or seeds Thank you again Margie
Hi Margie, I have some fresh passion fruit seeds for you if you haven't gotten any yet. Post me if you want some.
Margie, never heard of a passion flowe bulb. If you mean passiflora, there's no bulb. Either seeds or plant. And there's many kinds. I only have 2 now, but from what I've learned from others too, Passiflora caerulea is more common here and the one that actually blooms. I have P. alata and hasn't bloomed for me in 2 years. It's just a vine, and not that pretty either. If Indiana where you are won't allow for garden growing your passiflora, I'd say go for P. caerulea or ask people what's another one that WILL BLOOM.