I found this little violet on the drive at the week-end Which season are we in now?? ( photo / image / picture from Kiasmum's Garden ) and then noticed this Centaurea hiding in the cotoneaster. A late bonus centaura. ( photo / image / picture from Kiasmum's Garden ) Meanwhile,in the back garden nextdoor's flowering cherry has started to drop it's leaves (lovely leafmould here we come) I need to sweep up :-0 ( photo / image / picture from Kiasmum's Garden ) I need to sweep up. ( photo / image / picture from Kiasmum's Garden ) Mind you,if I do sweep up it'll look exactly the same the next day...
What a happy find--those out-of-season flowers! However, I must admit to leaf envy. We don't have many trees that drop leaves, and those that do the leaves are so small that it takes a LOT to make decent mulch. But then, I don't have to rake much !
I can't remember the last time I even tried to keep up with raking leaves. They lay where they fall. But I do have fond childhood memories of jumping to a big ol' pile of leaves and flailing about... only to rake them up again for the next kid to play in.
You want leaves, come and get them please. We spend at least a month cleaning up leaves. I spend hours on the mower mulching them. We have a bagger also, but it's to heavy to empty,so hubby does that part. We can't just leave them lay because they are to thick and kill the grass. If it's a pretty day I really enjoy the work and the smell of fall.
Well Karin, I think that you are pretty lucky to have those blooms. It really is odd to see them now. Smart cookie, you are...to make leaf mould from those leaves.
Nice, Karen. If you were here there would be no leaves left. We had 60mph winds from the storm. There are no leaves left on the trees that are still standing.
Its only taken 24 years to realise that we could actually use the leaves for leafmould Sjoerd, The stuff we made last year should be nicely 'cooked' by now. Until this year I have conscientiously kept on sweeping,this year I'm trying to be a bit more relaxed and wait until the tree has finished,but if the leaves lie around too long they make the paving very slippery and something of a hazard.