
Discussion in 'Books' started by SusieQ07, Nov 19, 2012.

  1. SusieQ07

    SusieQ07 In Flower

    Mar 18, 2007
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    I wrote this very short story/essay/ for a writing contest for authors, in about 10/15 mins based on actual happenings in my life describing Winter and memories, what do you readers think?
    The rules were keep it short,can be a poem, title/subject is winter and story must include a rose.

    What it means to me

    Winter to me is memories of a childhood filled with fun in the sparkling snow, happiness and laughter, sledding on the big hill, later as a teen, ice skating, and sledding on the biggest, most dangerous hill of all, forbidden to younger children.

    As a young married, I most remember hosting my big family gifting party on Christmas Eve and friends stopping in for drinks and my big buffet, most remembered is one year the snow fell so fast and furious, it was in doubt my party would actually take place, while all the food was prepared and everything set up, we waited and shoveled every half hour as the snow piled up at our door.

    As it happened it was a night of blessings for us, as my dear uncle, the same uncle who later was santa to the family children as well as neigthbors with children he refused to be daunted by the heavy snow, and so he borrowed a vehicle from the place he worked, with a plow on front and rounded up the entire family and literally plowed his way to our house, the party would go on as usual.

    And now as an older retired couple we enjoy Christmas in Florida, different to be sure, just the two of us now, however Christmas here is lovely in it’s own way, we decorate beyond anything we’ve ever done before as many here do, even though the flowers hibiscus, roses still bloom, palm tree’s it turns out look gorgeous all lit up and when they sway it only adds to their beauty, waterways lit in colored lights reflecting in the water is beyond description as are the boats big and small that light up and decorate beautifully, with Santa himself at the helm.

    Winter here also means cooler days no humidity, and often cold nights, which mean digging out a sweater, putting a blanket on the bed, and curling up under a throw in a chair before the fireplace, with a mug of hot chocolate, a bowl of popcorn to watch a good movie on TV, and so Winter has changed or is the right word for us evolved?, yet many ways the same, in our hearts for sure.

    Enjoy your winter no matter where you are you are making memories to last your lifetime.
    Henry Johnson, Kay, Donna S and 2 others like this.
  2. Kay

    Kay Girl with Green Thumbs

    Dec 30, 2009
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    Lincoln, Nebraska
    Winter is my most un-favorite season of all, but I also have good memories of winter as a child.
    Now I dread it. Don't like the cold, drab, indoor days. Don't like the nervous driving on snow and ice.
    However, SusieQ, you make winter sound quite charming.
    Actually this winter, we had better be getting some snow or we'll be hurting after the drought of '12!!
  3. jhonmarvi

    jhonmarvi New Seed

    Nov 12, 2013
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    winter is my favourite wather bcz no smell and eat peanut in cotton and see the horror movie . have a big chill .

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