Oatmeal and pork patties

Discussion in 'Recipes and Cooking' started by ShelleyDN, Nov 27, 2012.

  1. ShelleyDN

    ShelleyDN New Seed

    Nov 23, 2012
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    Cooking the patties on an open pressure pan ( photo / image / picture from ShelleyDN's Garden )

    ( photo / image / picture from ShelleyDN's Garden )

    I made some oatmeal-pork patties and this is somewhat a tedious task. If you guys know how to make basic patties out of ground pork or beef, then I actually did pretty much the same method making them with a twist - mixing a cup of oatmeal on a meat being prepared. The first stage consists of sauteing garlic, onion and ground pork. I also added some pre-cooked chopped carrots, potatoes and red bell peppers on the cooked meat and transferred them into a serving bowl, poured fresh beaten egg, flour and finally, a cup of oatmeal. I mixed them thoroughly to form a moderate consistency of a "batter" then poured them on an open pressure pan using a serving spoon.

    For the vegetarians out there, you may substitute ground pork with banana blossoms or chopped mushrooms.

    * I didn't get to measure how much flour and oatmeal that I've poured on a meat mixture to achieve the right consistency, but it really depends on how thick the consistency you want in your meat batter.
    Frank and Donna S like this.
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  3. Donna S

    Donna S Hardy Maple

    Feb 15, 2010
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    First KK makes me hungry and now you Shelley. It sure looks yummy.
    ShelleyDN likes this.
  4. ShelleyDN

    ShelleyDN New Seed

    Nov 23, 2012
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    Hi Donna :D

    As much as I love decorating, I have a passion in cooking. Whenever I find time, I will share some of my creative recipes here.

    Thank you guys for the seeds! :)
    Frank likes this.

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