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Interior Design and Art - Looking for input and advice

Discussion in 'Interior Design' started by bubbawny, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. bubbawny

    bubbawny New Seed

    Dec 6, 2012
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    Hi Folks:

    I wanted to try to do a little survey and get some information.

    I'm a non-professional artist. By that I mean I don't make my living from the oil paintings that I do. Mostly, my wife uses them to decorate our own house. But I would like to find ways to earn some income from my paintings.

    I had a thought today to ask you folks who perform interior design, either for your own homes or for others, to see if you think people still want art in their homes.

    My wife and I often go to Home Shows here in Buffalo, NY. Those shows often showcase prints (florals, pastural scenes, landscapes) hanging on the walls.

    What I'm curious in asking you is whether or not original oil paintings would be valued in interior decorating, or whether people really just want to stick to Home Interiors and other type PRINTS. In other words, do people today...average people...want real art anymore? or is that a bygone era?

    Recently, I've painted a couple small Christmas themed 8" x 10" paintings. I'll probably use them as gifts this year. But in addition to those, I also do landscapes.

    I guess what I'm trying to do is some research to figure out if there's a way I might be able to bring my paintings to the Interior Decorating space and just was seeking some feedback.

    If you want to see what I do, that'd be great. My blog has many of my paintings on them.

    But I want to be upfront with you all. This is NOT some attempt to try and sell my paintings here. I'm seriously trying to understand the perspective of those who do interior design and just want feedback.

    In today's economy, we all try to do things to support our families and sometimes get creative in doing so. My goal is to try and help earn a little more to support my wife and her medical bills. if I can turn my paintings into a means of earning a little extra somehow, well...I want to do what I can to take care of her.

    But I know I'm no Thomas Kincade and don't expect much. I guess I'm just trying to take a sample of the mindset to see if maybe home interior decoration might be an avenue worth pursing for me.

    I thank you so much for anyone who wants to share an opinion. And if you do stop at my blog, look at my Christmas paintings. I think they are fun. My wife wants me to make more to hang in her kitchen and in her hallways each year.

    Here's a the one she likes the most:

    Still Life: ornament, cup, candy cane ( photo / image / picture from bubbawny's Garden )

    God bless, and I appreciate any feedback you may share with me. Thank you ever so much!
    Jewell likes this.
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  3. Kay

    Kay Girl with Green Thumbs

    Dec 30, 2009
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    Lincoln, Nebraska
    I like your picture. I am usually drawn to landscapes and floral to frame and hang in our home. I have 3 wonderful old paintings done by my husband's Grandmother that are real special to us.
    I'm sure your family and friends would love to have some of your art as gifts!
  4. bubbawny

    bubbawny New Seed

    Dec 6, 2012
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    Thank you

    Thank you for saying something nice about my paintings.

    In my family, we grew up without any art. But as a young man, I realized that having an heirloom in the family of an oil painting must be something really special. it's a part of what drives me.

    I want to create paintings that give people moments of happiness and joy, for viewing year after year.

    You know you bring up a good thought, BTW. It'd be interesting to understand what dominant form of paintings are used in Interior Design: Still Lifes, Landscapes, Portraits (florals or figures).

    I see a lot of pears and apples and teacups and such. Small little still lifes. But i do see plenty of larger landscapes and florals.

    i'll have to figure out how I might obtain some research on what interior designers are looking for. There has to be some information out there...
  5. mart

    mart Strong Ash

    Mar 31, 2010
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    NE Texas
    Well if thats any indication of your work,,you should have no trouble selling them. Its lovely and well done !! I would recommend that you see what type of art is being used by designers/decorators. Go to galleries within driving distance and see whats hanging on their walls. Take samples of your work with you and get their feedback. Small local galleries in busy areas may let you set up a few in front of the building with an agreement for small percentage as payment if you sell any. Malls are another venue to check. Set up a display in front of a store with same agreement. Good for both because it gets traffic to stop.
    I even gave classes to beginners. Mine were weekly classes and did quite well. That even led to a few small shows for students and myself. Point is you have to get out there and let people see your work. So don`t miss any chance you are given . Eventually it will pay off. My advice,, artist to artist.

  6. Kay

    Kay Girl with Green Thumbs

    Dec 30, 2009
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    Lincoln, Nebraska
    I forgot to mention that I also love paintings/prints/pictures of birds.
    We are always on the lookout for nice framed bird pics.
  7. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    4,865 case I missed your introduction, I don't remember seeing it anyway, but my forgetter is better than my rememberer.... :rolleyes: Welcome.

    I love your painting.

    Me though, I am a minimalist of possessions for inside the home. Less is more for me. Less time inside means more time outside. Interior designer I am not nor would I ever claim to be "in the know". I see lots of "art" that I just don't like. Wouldn't want it, nor would I pay money to put it on my wall. I do like real objects such as flowers, landscapes, animals, even children in art, but not abstract, blobulous "stuff" that is supposed to "represent" something I just can't conceive of myself...even if someone tells me what it is supposed to represent I still don't "see" it.

    I have a friend who does pottery just to keep his hands moving after an extreme accident and he is putting it on a website to sell it now..... . Many more people can see it via this means than just a gallery. We do a farmers market together and he sells some, but he has more exposure from the internet than he could ever have at a market.
  8. bubbawny

    bubbawny New Seed

    Dec 6, 2012
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    Thank you, Mart! You are very kind!

    Yes...that is the dilemma right now. Gaining exposure as a painter in a downtrodden community / city is challenging. But I continue to work at my dream of becoming a painter.

    Thank you so much for saying such nice things about my paintings. I think they are pretty darn good, too!

    There's a saying that just bugs me: Dave Thomas, Wendy's..."if you build it, they will come"

    I've never heard something so ridiculous. I think you have to build it, make it good quality, and then get the word out! People won't magically learn of what you built. Takes effort and diligence to get others to be aware of what you make.

    But it's fun! and I enjoy knowing that many such as yourself and others find a moment of enjoyment at a painting I have made. makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!

  9. TheBip

    TheBip Young Pine

    Mar 25, 2007
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    Columbus, IN zone 6a
    Thats a nice christmasy painting :)

    I personally prefer landscapes, and lately Ive been looking for a nice seascape for my bathroom.

    I agree with Mart about the abstract art thing, Garden Ridge sells a lot of that kind of stuff and I find it hideous! I like art to actually be something you can recognize.
  10. bubbawny

    bubbawny New Seed

    Dec 6, 2012
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    I personally like representational art that is closer to realism, away from abstract. But I think realism is not for me. There's a nice balance between the two.

    But we all have our tastes and preferences and there's nothing wrong with that, right?


    Thank you, TheBip!
  11. margerydaniel

    margerydaniel New Seed

    Nov 14, 2012
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    I like this kind of paintings, its so artistic.
  12. Donna S

    Donna S Hardy Maple

    Feb 15, 2010
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    You get an A+ from me. You have a geat talent and you need the world to see it. I'd like to see more.
    Oh by the way, I was born in Buffalo, NY many years ago:)
  13. bubbawny

    bubbawny New Seed

    Dec 6, 2012
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    Thank you for the nice comments! It warms my heart to receive such nice feedback!

    D...for me that is a part of the challenge. I do not have a background in marketing and do not know really how to go about getting the world to see it. I have a facebook site I just created (just lookup my name artist robert p britton jr).

    I know it's not necessarily the right place to share this, but I dream of being able to do something with my art. This Christmas I gave a few of my Christmas still lifes away. People thought they were wonderful and they were SO happy! It warmed my soul!

    now if i could only figure out how to get the world to see it and maybe earn a little from it.

    I'm about to start a painting of a teacup and roses. I'm going to do some still lifes this year for interior decorations. People seem to really like them for their kitches and breakfast nooks.
  14. Jewell

    Jewell Incorrigible Gardener Plants Contributor

    Dec 17, 2008
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    Puget Sound Region of the Pacific NW,Zone7b
    Nice paintings! We have a habit of buying a piece of original art on each of our seldom taken vacations. I have also got a few nice pieces from small galleries, street fairs, craft fairs, EBay, Etsy, family artists, second hand stores and even a winery. Good luck, however you decide to try and market your art.

    We feel a home isn't a home without some favorite art pieces that 'speak to us'.
  15. heathercashart

    heathercashart New Seed

    Feb 19, 2013
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    Erie, PA
    I say yes, people still want original paintings. But they also want prints. And cards. Etc!

    I am an artist as well and I find that selling my art at local art festivals and shops (where people see them in-person) works so much better for me than selling online. I also find that having a variety of different price points works VERY well too. Selling prints isn't a bad thing - in fact, if you can print something out for $1-2 per print, and sell for $15-20 per print, that's a huge profit margin. I used to sell just paintings and no prints, and once I sold a painting that was the end of it. But now, I create a painting, and it can live on for years, because I make prints and cards and bookmarks and so many people can enjoy it (and I can make a lot more profit from it).

    However, there are still those others that WANT to spend money and get an original. So in my opinion it's best to offer both so that you give people options.
    Frank likes this.
  16. Tooty2shoes

    Tooty2shoes Hardy Maple

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Denmark, Wis.
    Heather that is super good advice for anyone making crafts or paintings.

    Bubbawny I too welcome you to the stew if I haven't done so already. Here's my 2 cents on what type of art I like.
    My hubby and I both like landscapes with old barns in them. We like the older antique looking landscape scenes. Especially ones done by Robert Wood. But I am a very eclectic person. I have those scenes in my living room and hallway. My bathroom is done in abstract art prints, my kitchen has different pic's of coffee cups under my top cupboards with a few chickens here and there. In our bedroom is a combo of modern and antique. With a sprinkling of metal art work such as leaves, vines, ect.
    I get bored easily with the same old thing and am always looking for new pic's at Goodwill or such like stores. I have found some really nice original art work for peanuts. Then I can swap out my wall art several times a year. But that's just me. Glad you joined the stew. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your art work. :stew1:

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