Hello everyone, Have any of you ever painted on a painters floor canvas, This one is a 9x6 I want to try it, Maybe I will stencil it or something. If anyone has any ideas on it Stenciling please let me know, I have never done it. I thought it would be a cheap floor covering for the kitchen, Thank you margie
I thought about doing one several years ago and from what I remember you have to paint on a coat of Gesso first. Gesso prepares the canvas so the paint will adhere, you can find it at any art supply store, check out Amazon too. For stenciling it you can make your own stencils from any kind of plastic sheets or even cereal box paper board too. Or find them at craft stores, Joann's online should have them. Use Acrylic paints and a stencil brush to pat on the paint or draw on the design and brush the paint on instead. When it's all dry you will need to seal it with a clear varnish, high gloss, satin or matte depending on the look you want. Not sure this is a cheap way to get a rug in the kitchen but it would be a fun winter project.
canvas painting Thank you toni, Thats what I thought to a winter project, I am so bored I cant stand it, I have already put my seeds out for over wintering, So I thought I would try this, The paint canvas was just 3.99 for 6x12 and I have all the paint and such, But I don't know what Gesso is. Is there something else I can use besides that? Thank you so much Margie
I have read that you can use a water based white paint primer from Lowe's, HD, etc. Much easier to find and cheaper than Gesso.
I have never stencil fabric only bird houses . And some of the trim on our house. And got rub on stencil kit+ sealer. For header going across beam in my kitchen. It also said to put primer on first.Turned out good.
I have never done this either, but it sounds interesting. I have some stencils that I was going to use on furniture, but so far have not gotten around to any of it. Projects seem to pile up faster than I can do them. I have seen projects where you stencil the designs right onto your hardwood floor or porch and paint them, and there was no canvass first. I wish I had saved them for future reference.