Well I have come back into the house for my plant growing after my summer was a fizzled nightmare. Guess my green thumb survived because I have been having fun with new plants. Peperomia have become my new best friends with my succulents. Variegated big leaf one Variegated small leaf fuzzy/fury one Plain ole fast grower These are my 3 Peperomia, 2 variegated and one plain one but I like it just the same, and it grows the best so far. I don't know the names of any of them. The only major defining characteristic is for the small leafed one and that is the leaves are fuzzy/furry. It has been fun propagating them, no success with short leaf cuttings but any stem cutting with 2 leaves have taken off like wildfire. I have a specimen of all 3 in my terrarium with my frogs and have to trim them in there every 3 weeks or so. If anyone has any names for them it would be appreciated.
They do look nice! So green and healthy. I hope they will do well for you all winter long. I'm starting to miss all the garden trips, tho all I had was a few containers. Onions and lettuce and cilantro are all that's left and I notice the lettuce looks a little sad from the back door, haven't been out to check it yet. Frosty out this a.m.
very beautiful and So green and healthy fish_4_all :-D I think the first is Peperomia obtusifolia variegata the second is Peperomia scandens,and third is Peperomia obtusifolia :-D
Well I got my fuzzy one to flower. Guess going indoors has turned out to be a good thing for growing for me. It is the only flower I have on any of them but since it supposed to be really hard to get this one to flower I figured I did something really right.