is one I have used for variety and selection. Their prices are higher. One word about them, if they say they are out and will "get them in ASAP", get a replacement.
Great I'll check out every site I can get. Wow I've gotten so much information and help already. Now I have a lot of reading to do in order to figure out what strains to choose
For your tomatoes, go with indeterminate plants instead of seeds if you can buy them there. Determinate varieties produce all at once where as the indeterminate produce throughout the growing season however long yours is. Turnips will give you both roots and greens as will beets and rutabaga if you like them. Cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage are cool weather but cabbage may be too big for pots.
Corey, Welcome to the forum by the way, I don't use pay pal so I can't recommend either way on that, but I have ordered from Stokes, which isn't the cheapest, but neither are they outrageous, Totally tomatoes has always been a great price for a reliable quality seed. I cannot ever say something didn't grow from them ( I just did not want the subs they sent), I have heard good about Pinetree, tomato growers supply, Seed savers exchange, J & L Gardens(awesomely cool varieties not available elsewhere) Ohio heirlooms( great prices and unique offers) Wild boar farm, Knapps fresh (i think). For a tomato choice look for dwarf tomatoes. They are much smaller than regular tomato plants, some with large fruit some just cherry size, determinate and indeterminates. These are being developed specifically for containers due to the number of people growing in them and the space restrictions they are dealing with as condo owners, renters, small lots, lack of suitable gardening area on their property...etc.
hey corey and welcome to the forums, some great advice already. I've been growing in Montreal for the past few years. And was surprised at the range of crops you can grow. The best advice i can give is to buy your seeds from Veseys. Their based in PEI and I saw a huge difference in yield when i switched to their seeds.