One of my long time customer owns grocery store.She says like a zoo if the predict any snow. Biggest items Beer,Bread Milk,TP and smokes. They order extra.
Nope. We check out the snow blower and make sure we have enough gas to get the job done. After all that hard work we go out to eat.
Funny cartoon! I think my town is like that for the very first snowfall of the year. After that, it's much better.
I get groceries for one of my customer. My Dh helped me. Parking lot so slick. And got them early 2 storms ago. Big parking lot full. We keep our place stocked up. Have been stranded -last house on dead-end road.
Hahah too funny! Of course everyone is pretty used to the snow in MN but it doesn't stop people from driving poorly!
Nope, not here! I just heard from the township road guy that the county doesn't do a great job salting the roads because the trucks are equipped with GPS units that DICTATE where they spread salt. such as the intersections, but not down the road....huh!?! can you believe that. We keep saying since the the road crew went union workers the road crew has "quit" doing their job. Well, maybe not. It is all controlled from the office as to where the roads are salted and where they are not. Now, how in all reality can someone in the office predict where the wind is blowing drifting snow across a knoll? or where the road has a bad patch and needs more salt? Not happening! You have to take your chances now seems to be the motto for the road conditions here when it gets snowy, which is like...all the time!
I was told a road was salted MANY times.I told him" how Come the kids are ice skating on it" . And One was his boy.
We have a local CBS weatherman at night that is like that year around. If there is a cloud in the sky, he is expecting SEVERE WEATHER! The groundhog is a better meterologist than he is. I think they are afraid of being blamed if someone gets bad weather and he dosn't warn them, so he over reacts to everything! He is usually right once out of about 20 times.
Yes,It is like this at the main store we go to.I don't like to go there then. We are not ones to need much before bad weather because we have stuff in freezer & cupboard.No matter what is predicted the true way I can tell is to look out front window at bird feeders. If birds are in a feeding frenzy, bad weather is coming . sNs
SNS-That is one way we can tell storm is heading and going to be bad.Lawn and feeders full up.And I hope they are wrong for us Thursday.---Mixed bag.