Checking our bank account to see if we can afford it! (That explains the current state of our house) Actually, top of our list is going through the whole project mentally to prioritize tasks, make sure there will be minimal disruption of the rest of the house, and that we have the necessary tools.
Planning the financials, and vetting out contractors if it isn't a DIY project. Getting the contractors lined up in a row to get things done when they need to be done is my largest planning task.
I would give top priority to the amount of money I have and how much I can afford for a home improvement project.
Definitely the finances. I keep saving and Dh keeps spending....needless to say, my kitchen project doesn't look to be happening any time soon. Maybe by the time I have enough cash saved up to do it I will change my mind and think I don't really need it. I should be content with what I have after I was to someone else's house this summer and her comment was "I think the kitchen was an after thought or they forgot to put one in to begin with and squeezed one in in the back corner". I am serious, that is exactly what it looked like, too. the stove was free standing and there was a backdoor next to the stove, there was a counter was maybe 4' long across the aisle, the sink was through a "door way" opening and there was a short cabinet/cupboard area with the sink maybe another 5' worth including the sink area. I was "google eyed" thinking "how do you cook dinner in here?" or ever put a meal on for your family?
And my first thought would be, what we can do ourselves, instead of paying someone else to do the same job. Most of the time we can do it ourselves and then I look at it as a treat to be able to hire someone to do the jobs we can't do. 7 years ago we overhauled our home. It was a major project. We did everything but the new furnace and plumbing for the hot water heat and the new well pump.... It was such a big job that when you walked into our house you could see the basement. We tore everything out. It took about 7 months of working every minute while not going to (real) work. We were able to use good quality product that we would otherwise never been able to afford because we saved so much in labor.
At our house. Lining up family member and friends.Go to all the big lumber co.Let them see other guys price-see who can match it. we pick out (all) our materials. No big holes in plywood.And I also go to house recycle center.Got some nice trim other day.
We've already spent a HUGE amount on getting our cottage roof and windows replaced. I doubt if we'll have the finances to do much more for the next few years.
Nice topic! Well my wife and I had a few home improvement gifts from different relatives. And it always helps to have tools, organizers and other home items that you can use when you decide to improve your home. moderator's note: removed website link, see point 1.1 of usage rules
I prefer doing the home improvement on my own, especially if it is not anything too complicated. Even if you don't have the tools, you can always ask a neighbour or just take all you need for rent. However, if you plan a big home improvement, try to do some of the work on your own, but then you'd better rely on professionals for the sophisticated part.
Everything would still be dependent on the budget that you have. There are home improvements you can do on your own and let's all be honest, there are some that only professionals can. Planning is the key.
First I would check out to see if I can tackle the intended project. Then how much energy I want to spend on the project. Then cost of materials. Then if we have enough $$$ I would hire someone else to do the work. :-D MY motto is "Work smarter, not harder"