Can anyone tell me if any of these butterflies are rare? I found this at a thrift store. Moderator Note: Photo added
Hi dragoncondor, welcome to GardenStew, since we don't see the pictures of the butterflies. Did you post them? If you need assistance here are the guidelines: Looking forward to thew pictures. Jerry
I have some on my bedroom wall. I don't think any of these are rare or they wouldn't be so plentiful. They are farmed and short lived and have been allow to reproduce before the end of their lives and before being allowed to extend the pleasure they give us on our walls. Boy, are these hard to take pictures of. PS Actually the 2 on the bottom corner match some of mine. They are Sasakia charodone.
Not necessarily rare just not butterflies that are found the in U.S. Vanessa indica.... India eastward to China Papilio xuthus... found in Hawaii and other places Papilio polytes....Asia and Australia Papilio dialis....Asia and Australia But the names given to your butterflies do not belong to those butterflies.... Papillo dialis-- ... 244.0.html Papilio xuthus .. Papilio polytes -- ... 516.0.html Vanessa indica -- ... indica.htm