Gems & Jewelry Exhibition!

Discussion in 'Member's Gallery' started by S-H, Mar 17, 2013.

  1. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    Alright people, here it is - I finally made that video about the Pakistan Gems & Jewelry Exhibition!

    But unlike my other videos where different types of exhibitions are featured - This video is compiled to study the *Pavlovian Response* of women (drooling reaction), when visually enticed by the sight of Diamonds and other precious gemstones, Pearls, as well as Gold & Silver...

    Actually, there is a certain lady out there - Who's obsession with all types of Gemstones and Jewelry knows no limits. So this video is actually to tease her (as I'm only obsessed with her, with my own type of a Pavlovian Response initiated by her)! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! ;)

    OK - So let the experimentation take place!!! :D
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  3. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    Gosh I don't think I've ever seen so much jewellery in one place before!! I hope there was plenty of security at the exhibition or a few ladies may just have been sorely tempted to purloin some of it. ;)
    Although I only have a few pieces myself, and all with sentimental value rather than monetary, I found myself intrigued by the beauty and design of many of the necklaces. Thanks for sharing your video with us all.
  4. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    Glad you like it Eileen! :)

    Yes, the security was very tight - But at the same time, not at all causing inconvenience to any of the visitors. As it was mostly hidden CCTV cameras which were keeping track of everything...

    Young children however were not allowed to enter, as this was partially an invitation only exhibition. But other visitors were also allowed to enter (after filling out a small form).

    In fact I also saw a few teenage girls too. So either they must have been related to some of the people who had set up a stall over there, or the rules must have been relaxed after the initial opening of the exhibition.

    In the end everyone had a great time, and lots of money also exchanged hands. And I of course got my video footage - Which now will make a certain lady drool for sure! :D
  5. Jewell

    Jewell Incorrigible Gardener Plants Contributor

    Dec 17, 2008
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    Puget Sound Region of the Pacific NW,Zone7b
    Lots of bling there! The size of some of the uncut stones was huge.

  6. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    Yes I know, I too was astonished beyond words (at 14:30) when I saw that huge emerald... They told me that it is from the Chaghi district of our Balochistan Province - The same region where we tested our nuclear weapons in 1998.

    Now I doubt if this story is true (as I suspect that the salesman was just trying to capitalize on the region's fame) - But he did say that because of the Earthquake caused by the detonation of those underground nuclear bombs (buried under the mountains), this giant emerald was shaken loose from the surrounding rock a few miles away... So had it not been for those nuclear tests, this emerald would never have been found.

    And no, it was not for sale... However that wasn't the most interesting thing I saw over there. As the funnest and most memorable thing over there (truly unforgettable I should call it) - Was the grudging face of one husband, who's wife had bought a huge Topaz.

    It really was a million dollar shot I swear, if only my camera hadn't been in the bag at the time... Really unforgettable, of how he signed his checkbook, was even trying very hard to smile. But I could tell that the sparkle of life in his eyes, had just been extinguished!
  7. Jerry Sullivan

    Jerry Sullivan Garden Experimenter Plants Contributor

    Nov 10, 2010
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    Chelmsford MA
    Wow S-H, to see so many gems in one place, amazing. I liked seeing the raw material. We see so much of the finished product but never the stones before they are cut and polished. That was a huge emerald, while they are not going to sell it, will they do something with it? Great exhibit, thank you for a great video.

  8. gardenelf

    gardenelf In Flower

    May 9, 2011
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    The Netherlands
    Never saw such a lot of beautiful bling in one place, it almost made my eyes pop!
    Great intro, S-H, impressive :stew1:
    I just love the pure intricacy of this jewelry, so elegant. It always strikes me how "boring" western jewelry is compared to Middle- and Far Eastern, over here there is much less use of colours and design combinations (with the odd exception, of course).
  9. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    No Jerry, I doubt if they will do anything to that huge emerald, as cutting it would naturally reduce the size. Also, I don't think there is a gem cutting craftsman out there who would take on such a challenge. And neither would any insurance company pledge to insure it during the cutting process (as the bigger the gemstone, the more likely it is to shatter during cutting/polishing). So it probably will stay as it is, for a very long time...

    And Gardenelf, you are correct in saying that majority of the jewelry items are very boring. This is not because jewelers lack imagination - But because they don't want to make an item, which only a few (extremely wealthy) people would buy.

    It is all a business after all, so as expected, they all like to play it safe - And so this way insure that there be a few transactions everyday. So they will never be taking a chance. As these items are some of the must costly things on Earth! So I doubt if they will make anything that would lock their investment...

    However, in Pakistan, there a difference here (which is why you see more colors in my video). And this is due to the fact that people themselves (specially ladies) design their own jewelry. And just order the jewelers to make it that way.

    There are of course some practical guidelines which the costumers have to follow (in order to produce a stable and long lasting item) - So generally speaking, the costumer and jeweler often work together over here.

    Which is why you see a lot of variety, as after that jewelry item is made, the jeweler is free to use that design (or a variation of it) for his next product - Thus insuring a never ending supply of designs and ideas.

    Some paranoid costumers nowadays do first get a copyright on their personal designs, but the majority of people are not really interested all that much when it comes to such legalities. they just want a one of a kind item for themselves, for now.

    It is also not at all uncommon here for ladies to buy just one costly item, and then have it re-melted and reformed into a newer design every few years, and so re-use the gemstones too, in a different arrangement... Which is why there were so many pearls, gemstones, and other rocks being sold as they were, (thus giving the costumer freedom to arrange it any way they see fit).

    Jewelry is actually an obsession when it comes to Pakistani ladies. So jewelers have no choice but to attentively listen to their constant (and at times unreasonable) demands! :D
  10. gardenelf

    gardenelf In Flower

    May 9, 2011
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    The Netherlands
    Wow, now I know why I've heard some Pakistani ladies (when I lived in the UK) refer to "their" jewellers. It always struck me as a bit unusual, but now I understand.
    Must be even more of a headache for those poor jewellers with all the computer design programmes there are these days. I guess the ladies take their tablets now, instead of a sketchbook :stew1:
  11. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :D Yes, I think you now have an accurate picture of how things are... :D It actually gives me an urge to say a small prayer (sort of like a eulogy) - For the poor husbands of such ladies, who have to dish out their hard earned money! :smt044

    Oops! This can happy to me also, as my singledom too may soon come to an abrupt end someday - No matter how many times I keep singing this to myself! :smt073
  12. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    Ohohoh, I would have loved to be there in person! :D Just to look mind, I feel I have enough bling as it is. I'm not a jewellery person. My husband would have loved to check out all the raw stones. He's stone crazy and interested in the transformation from a boring piece of rock to the glittering precious stones in a necklace. Thanks for sharing.
  13. gardenelf

    gardenelf In Flower

    May 9, 2011
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    The Netherlands
    :-D :-D Good old Sir Cliff, eh?

    I'm sure that one day you'll meet some lovely lady there in Pakistan who's totally impressed with your gardening-gems, S-H, just like we are here on the Stew :stew1:

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