I live in Puerto Rico. I planted my bulbs dormant, they bloomed the first year and have not rebloomed. That was 4 or 5 years ago. Do you think there is any chance that they will ever bloom? Should I try the cold treatment? Thanks Ellenp moderator's note: split this post into it's own topic
I keep mine potted, but I don't do anything special to it. I don't make it go dormant, either. This year I forgot to bring it in and it got left out in the snow until January. I was very shocked when I saw new growth coming from the pot. I have never had it not bloom in the spring. Do you fertilize it? Bone meal is a needed nutrient for the bulb to produce a bud, though. How much sun does it get? too much shade may make it not set bud. I keep mine in mostly sun except for a few hours at midday. Hope this helps some. Welcome to the Stew, by the way!
I have Amaryrillis in the ground they have leafed out now I do hope they bloom this year usually in late March or early April.