I need help with my herb garden

Discussion in 'Herb Gardening' started by daffodil, May 9, 2013.

  1. daffodil

    daffodil New Seed

    Mar 25, 2013
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    victoria bc
    I have a little tin pot that is growing basil, chives and parsley, I am finding that its getting too much heat in my window so I moved it outside where it will get partial shade. It seems that the soil dries out VERY quickly, and the tips of my chives are turning yellow, my parsley is drying out and my basil looks as if the odd leaf has been held to a lighter!

    This is my first herb garden and I have read that it could be a number of things, not enough water, too much heat, too much water...I don't know what to do lol I am so new at this and I don't want them to die before I can even use them, they are still so small lol.

    I bought the herb garden as a kit that came with everything from walmart and it started out GREAT but now its all wilting :(
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  3. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    Are they still in the same starter pots that came with the kit? They need to be in 8" pots or larger as they can grow pretty large when the conditions are right.
    A too small pot would explain why they are drying out quickly, just not enough soil to hold the water they need.

    When you do water, stick your finger into the soil and if it is dry down to about the second knuckle then water. The roots are deeper than that and they need the water not the top inch or so of soil.

    Glass magnifies the effect of the sunlight so they could have gotten scorched sitting in front of a window in full sun. They should start perking up after several days away from the window.

    My Basil grows in the full afternoon Texas sun...really hot and loves it so I don't think your's could be getting too much sun.
    My Parsley does much better in part shade because of our hot Texas sun.
    Chives like full sun but will tolerate part shade.
    Frank likes this.
  4. daffodil

    daffodil New Seed

    Mar 25, 2013
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    victoria bc
    Thank you, I will keep an eye on my watering, the instructions told me just to lightly mist the soil daily with a spray bottle, and they are not quite large enough to trans plant quite yet lol, yes im that bad at gardening haha I will try your watering tip and keep them outside.

    Thank you for your help
  5. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    It would be interesting to see a few pics of your lil garden set-up and it's physical location.

    I feel for you. This sort of thing is not what one new to gardening needs to experience right off the bat.

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