Ten days ago, we had snow and cold, and today, May 14th,2013... well, here is a pic of our backyard thermometer at 5:00 p.m. (it is in the shade) temperature on May 14. 2013 ( photo / image / picture from Kay's Garden ) Needles to say, I got a bit "dewey" while working today!
Holey Moley Kay that is warm,..and you say "dewey",..how i wish for that,..the heat i mean,..sitting out in the sun here enjoying a cup of tea,..then hailstones,..i am still shaking my head in dismay,..and its 15 days into summer here.
We seem to be getting the same weather Philip - that hail was horrendous and hurt like h*ll (I got caught out in it.) Kay I doubt if we'll get 96 degree temperatures like yours even in the height of summer. I hope you didn't tire yourself out too much working in that heat.
Yikes!!! That's really hot already. Even we're still in pleasant mid80s. Please be cautious working in that kinda heat.
Oh my, Kay! That is hot. today was a fairly mild day, but windy. Tomorrow I think it is to be close to 80, that is tolerable...100? not so much. Don't over do it. that is a miserable hot. Keep hydrated, too.
When I looked at the temperature map during the\is evenings weather forecast the middle of the US was all red(hot stuff), I hope this is not a preview of coming attractions. It was hot enough last year. Jerry
I think it was a weird weather day, tomorrow should be cooler... in the 80s. I think I must've downed about a gallon of H20 today! Mother Nature was just giving us a little taste of summer to come. Luckily, the humidity was low, otherwise it would've been really unbearable. The wind was pretty strong too, I am hoping it will bring some rain, but not sure if the weather guys are seeing that.
I'll trade you a bit of our cold,dull and wet for some of your heat and sunshine...please Take care in that heat.
Monday morning the official low was 33 deg. F. Today the high is expected to be 86. No wonder I am snotting and sneezing!
We had some of that cold earlier this month, but yesterday, it was almost 90 here. YUK. Other than that, the weather is lovely and sunny and I am getting a lot of outdoor work done. I am slowly gaining on the weeds and stuff. Earlier this week, I had to cover my tomatoes and a few other sensitive plants overnight. I hope we do not get any of that 100' stuff this year. It was too nasty last year.
Hey Cap't, We also had a record low temperature on the 11th. It dipped down to 31°F. Weird? Today was 87°F, and very windy. All us outdoor workers are getting some sun on our faces! Broke out the sunscreen, and filling up the water jugs!
Definitely spooky weather, Kay! How does your garden fare under this yo-yo weather? Over here, on the other side of the "water", it's super cold for the time of year, 10.5C today, where it should be about 17 or so. Today I had the heating on in my house, the first time EVER I had to do so on May 17th Outside all my plants have gone on strike, almost all growth has come to a halt. Forecasts for the next couple of weeks: more of the same. Yuk. On the positive side: the lawn won't need mowing, the grass has also stopped growing!
gardenelf, Your chilly days sound similar to our April here. It just took such a long time to warm up! The plants came out of dormancy very slowly. I still am not seeing the growth and blooms that we are used to for this time of year. Now it is quite warm, so I am scurrying around watering! and sweating!!!