I have really been wanting a black walnut tree, and there are tons around here, so if I take a small one from outside and plant it indoors in a large pot will it still loose its leaves and go through the winter season???
Outdoor trees are quite difficult to grow indoors as the temperatures aren't the same as they are outdoors Julio. You could always try to bonsai it though. I found this guide that might help you. http://www.cherryblossombonsai.co.uk/be ... bonsai.htm
I was looking for something 5-6 ft tall, I really was looking forward to a black walnut because I wanted to acctually plant it outdoors when it got too tall. I see Eileen is from Scotland, I didnt know this was a world wide forum, its Fall here and its starting to get cold and the leaves are just about to change color. So i want to get one before that happens. Any more input would be greatly appreciatred. Luke Richard
Why do you need to bring one inside? Walnut trees grow well outside and if one is five or six feet tall it would double its size outside. They lose their leaves in the fall and would still do so inside. They maybe need a dormant period of cold weather. Our walnut trees are already turning for fall. Dooley
Ahhh I didn't realise your walnut tree was 5-6 feet tall Julio. Dooley is right with her advice about a tree that size - it's best kept outdoors.
I'm certain this is not a good idea. Your tree needs to go through its natural stages or it will become stressed and we all know what can happen to a sressed plant. They are so much more suseptible to disease and pests. If you really want an indoor tree my advice would be to purchase a tropical. You can put it outdoors in the summer. Good luck. muddy
I have a hugh Black Walnut on my land.A storm took it down to the ground about 15 yrs ago but its still alive and making fruit the last time I noticed.They are not meant to live inside.