The garden caught up with me today ! I dug and hung the last of the garlic, picked corn, pulled carrots, and harvested squash and basil. I boiled and froze corn--amazing how messy I can get doing that--corn silk on the floor, corn husks in a bucket for the compost pile, and corn cobs on a metal plate for the hens. Scrubbed carrots and separated them out--some to the freezer as "golden coins" for stews and mixed vegetable dishes later, and the rest into the crisper drawer for use now. Sliced and froze squash, and made more basil balls. I am tired, hot from all that boiling water, and sticky from corn, but so happy that the garden has given us and others something for the winter months. What are y'all preserving now for later?
So far, just snap peas and pole beans. I guess I should make some basil balls. My basil plants are pretty big and starting to flower. If you cut the plant back, will it grow again? dooley
Dooley, cut the basil stem just above a pair of leaves. It will branch out and get bushier. I harvest basil weekly, or more often when it really gets going in our heat. Our basil lasts until the first freeze, or until my husband yells, "Enough!"
Crumbs,just reading your post has worn me out Basil balls? Not something I'm familiar with-not that any of my seeds germinated this year but it might be something to remember if I try again.
Kiasmum, basil balls are a way of preserving basil for winter use. I posted on the Recipes forum about them: I find it hard to keep basil on the windowsill in winter, so I keep it in the fridge!