My Broccoli is growing strangely, what could be the problem?

Discussion in 'Fruit and Veg Gardening' started by margie12u, Jun 23, 2013.

  1. margie12u

    margie12u In Flower

    Sep 20, 2008
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    What the heck is going on with my broccoli? The heads are coming way up to the top on a long stalk . It's way up there by it's self; Isn't it suppose to be kind of down in the middle of the plant. :'( :-? . It looks kind of funny up there by it's self. And the curds are not good and tight. Please help Thank you Margie

    moderator's note: added a more descriptive title to topic
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  3. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    Margie, it sounds as if the head is ready to bolt, form yellow flowers, and then seed. How old are the plants, and have you had warm weather (85 or above)? If so, harvest now and enjoy!
  4. margie12u

    margie12u In Flower

    Sep 20, 2008
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    I thought it was that but wasn't sure. I bought them as very small plants, they were suppose to be young. They are beautiful plants but funny looking. Yeah we have had a lot of rain and heat above 85- 95.
    Thank you Margie
  5. mart

    mart Strong Ash

    Mar 31, 2010
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    NE Texas
    That will cause the top heads to bolt. But don`t pull the plants up. They will continue to put out small florets all around the plant as long as they get adequate moisture and don`t dry out. Just pic the florets as they appear but let them get an inch or two across, the put them in a plastic bag in the fridge till you get enough for a meal. Its been 90 and above here and mine are still making. And I am in Texas.

  6. margie12u

    margie12u In Flower

    Sep 20, 2008
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    I would love to see Texas, My dad was there and he said it was beautiful. Yeah I thought I could use the ones on the sides, I just have 3 that are that way so far, I hope the rest of them don't get that way. I was so upset I bought what I thought was Kale and ended up being spinnach, I hate spinnach. I know it's like kale in a way but theres a difference to me, I guess I'm a wimp. Every thing else is doing great we have had 6 tomatoes so far, I think they were early girls, Do you yhink I can try and grow kale again or is it to hot? :) Thank you Margie
  7. mart

    mart Strong Ash

    Mar 31, 2010
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    NE Texas
    I have kale out my eyeballs,,waist high,, will trade for your spinach. I couldn`t my second planting of spinach to come up. I don`t see why you can`t plant kale. Just will need more water and may not grow as tall as mine. But that may be a good thing. Mine did well early and after all the rain we got a second growth.
    Can`t figure anyone not liking spinach,, I just stir fry for about five minutes then add about half cup water and several pats butter, salt, and by the time the butter is melted its done. Pure heaven on a fork!
    Forgot to tell you to go ahead and take that top head off thbe broccoli so it will force more growth into the rest of the plant.
    Our part of Texas is very nice with moderate temps almost all winter. Come for a visit.
  8. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    I was thinking the same as Jane. They are getting ready to bolt due to heat stress. They may have been beautiful plants when you bought them, but they could have been in the trays a very long time before they were sold to you, too. I have 1 cell pack of broccoli left and I see it is putting out a tiny head that won't amount to much. I will cut it off and plant it just to see what I get from it. I also started my Fall crop (did I just say that?, Fall already?) of broccoli to put out in July. It will literally vegetate until Sept. before it starts growing.
  9. chocolate

    chocolate In Flower

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Good morning Margie, maybe you are growing the same as I am growing here at the moment.......
    the plant in the last photo looks like broccolini with purple hues, which I have also had, the nutritional value is higher in the purple tinged one.
    The photos which I have just taken in my vegie patch will show you what I mean.
    I just pick the 'spears' like asparagus until I get enough for a meal, fresh everyday, I don't store them...we like to hear them squealing as they are being cooked[briefly].
    Google broccolini and see what you think.
    I don't think there is anything wrong with your plants,they are just broccolini.

    And by the way it definitely tastes better too!

    ( photo / image / picture from chocolate's Garden )

    ( photo / image / picture from chocolate's Garden )

    ( photo / image / picture from chocolate's Garden )

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