before or after blooming and where do I cut them from anywhere or at joints or what? my dil has a beautiful lavendar and blue bush
Cuttings from some plants will not root so you do need to know the botanical name of the plant to determine if it will or not. Are you rooting in water or soil? How long it takes the roots to grow depends on what the plant is too. Make the cut just above a set of leaves, the mother plant will send out new stems, usually two at each cut, from there. On the cutting itself you need one or two leaf nodes that will send out new roots and a few above. Sometimes roots will grow from the cut end too, just depends on the plant. I have taken cuttings before and after blooms and with the blooms still on. I don't know if there is a special time or not, but it works for me.
purpleinopp all I know is it is a hydranga and it is purple and blue thanks toni I will get her to bring me some cuttings tomorrow I will try both ways water and soil I also have rootone but didn't know if that would be good or not
I find Hydranga starts very very easily anytime. I have done it in the Fall and it has worked wonderfully, no matter what Hydranga is it.
Yes, they do take root easily. This yard had one Hydrangea when I moved here. I've made tons of babies and given most of them away but there are now half a dozen in this yard. I don't own any root hormone and usually do them in soil if they are cuttings. My fav way on this one is ground layering with a rock or brick, although that may not be an option in this case. When possible though, it's fool-proof, and so easy since you do nothing but ignore it, and it just waits for you to be ready to move it after you determine it has developed roots. Cuttings I put in water last summer stayed green but didn't produce roots, and smelled rotten after about 6 weeks although I changed the water about twice a week to make sure I didn't have a mosquito-breeding farm. Could have just been a pathogen, I only tried water that one time. I didn't chalk it up to Hydrangea being difficult to propagate but don't see any reason to try water again since layering and soil cuttings has not failed yet.
Cut is not easy, requires that you understand the characteristics of each plant. you need to select a reasonable time.