Feliz loves to explore, especially the pantry. This morning I was getting out canning jars, and she decided to take a look around, leaving half a cat exposed. What's in the pantry? ( photo / image / picture from marlingardener's Garden ) She must have found something interesting (cats generally do) because she went in even farther, leaving not quite half a cat exposed. Aha! Found it! ( photo / image / picture from marlingardener's Garden )
How cute, but can't we see the front half. I know what I'd be looking for in that pantry and it wouldn't be the cat food.
Ahh, Feliz looks like a calico I had for 15 yrs. Patches was the best cat I ever had, and I still miss her 9 yrs. later... Hope she found something good in there!
Strat does that in our shower It's kind of weird to look in the bathroom and see a cat butt and tail sticking straight out :-o Really cracked me up the first time I saw it