Fingerling potatoes

Discussion in 'Fruit and Veg Gardening' started by weeds n seeds, Jul 27, 2013.

  1. weeds n seeds

    weeds n seeds Seedling

    Nov 26, 2007
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    Casper, Wyoming
    Have a 10 gallon container I planted these little devils in, NEED some HELP!! I've grown regular spuds big raised beds..and when they were ready, the tops turned brown, died down and knew it was time to DIG! It appeared the fingerlings were going to act the same way, FINALLY had A great rain and now the fingerlings growth is off and running again despite cutting back on daily watering after! Just HOW do I treat these? Let them keep going until they're ready to do their thing and die back (are a mid-season variety)? Haven't poked around in soil YET to find out what's going on, may have nothing BUT tops or a bucketful of little taters. Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated..
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  3. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    I planted mine in the garden this spring and just dug them. The tops weren't quite all the way died back yet, but my fingerling potatoes looked like they were on steroids. Most of them were 6" long and 2" in diameter.... not what I was expecting, but I'll grow them again next year since I only grew a few this year. Not quite sure that container growing will be much different than in the garden, but I find the containers don't produce nearly as well, but they do produce earlier than in the ground, I say dig around a little and see what you have in there. You may be surprised or disappointed, but you won't know until you go pull back a little soil and see. Just try not to disturb the roots too much.
  4. weeds n seeds

    weeds n seeds Seedling

    Nov 26, 2007
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    Casper, Wyoming
    Thank you, Carolyn: checked this a.m. and could feel tubers, now am letting container "dry" a few days, empty it after and see what's in there!

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