Hello! I'm planning to design my garden and looking for a medium sized garden fountain. I need some tips on buying it. Thanks.
Your local garden centre will be able to help. There would be a bigger choice for you to look at and they will be able to offer you any advice you need.
I agree... check out what's available locally. I'd imagine shipping costs would be astronomical. There's all sorts of shapes and sizes.
I made my own fountain... so no... I don't have any experience in buying one. I think it just comes down to what you like and how much you can afford to spend.
Well, that's amazing) Unfortunately not all can do it. I'm thinking of buying here Is it possible to see some photos of your work? moderator's note: removed website link, see point 1.1 of usage rules
Mine are pretty "rough"... but I like 'em :-D The first one is a combination bird bath/fountain. I just sunk a plastic tub in the ground, added a shelf and "bowl" then added a solar powered pump. Birdbath/fountain ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden ) The other is a combination of a fountain and container pond. Fountain Finished ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden ) "Trough" Fountain finished ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden )
The first thing I would decide it how to bury the electric cord so you can mow or walk without tripping over it. Most of our cords will be under mulch in the actual gardens and what goes over grass will be umplugable for mowing. It will also be nestled in the grass and green while in use. Then you have to decide what you want it made of. Plastic, cement, metals etc. That's a good start. Aren't cherylad so cute? You may want to do something like she did. Years ago we did a couple. One was an metal and one was wooden. They were old washtubs with a washboard in it and an old hand pumps. It was cute. Food for thought......
Hi and welcome from a distant hot and now polluted land. Having a water feature in the garden is great and one that is made by yourself is fantastic. Give it a try and you would be amazed at what you can do. Always remember to decide what you want and ask about the how and why. Good luck ....
cherylad, not "rough". It is very creative, especially the second one, like it a lot Thank you for explaining. Maybe, I'll try. Thanks Now I think I can try it moderator's note: removed double posting see point 3.6 of usage rules