Dick and Jane...now that brings back memories. The plot was a bit weak and spot was always running. The teacher wanted us to read aloud with emotion. The book was not exactly a action packed thriller. Second grade was a lot easier. Jerry
MaryAnn - Oh, I never thought of it that way. I bet these books have seen a lot of people. Jewel - Those are pretty neat. I didn't know that Dick and Jane were books originally. I thought it was just a movie. Its nice to learn something new. Here are some pictures of the books... ( photo / image / picture from FlowerFreak22's Garden ) Unfortunately the covers are gone, but the backs are still somewhat intact. ( photo / image / picture from FlowerFreak22's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from FlowerFreak22's Garden )
Dick, Jane, Sally, Puff and Spot, their adventures taught a lot of us to read in the 1st - 3rd grade waaaaaaaay back in the 1950's. When did they make a movie? I know there was a series of TV shows on PBS when my youngest was little. I have a set of 1936 World Book Encyclopedias that my Mom used in school and I used all through school too, until I was a Sophomore in high school and John Glenn orbited the earth. There is nothing in those books about rockets. They are in pretty ratty shape since one of my Mom's dogs liked to chew on anything he could reach. I also picked up a First Edition of Marooned on Mars by Lester del Ray, printed in 1952. I found it at a library sale about 20 years ago and bought it for Randy. A 1951 copy of Favorite Stories Old and New for Boys and Girls And a 1951 copy of Roaring Ranger by Boyce House about the town where my Great Grandfather lived and was an oil well shooter back in the early 1900's
Love seeing all these old books if only for their architecture. FlowerFreak those are lovely old books even with the covers gone. I've been reading some old books from the late 1800s and early 1900s (ebooks). I also have some books that are a record of the oral history about settling in northern Idaho about the same time frame. The stories are such a look into the past. They have a lot that is left unsaid that carries as much impact as what is said. "Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl and Letters of a Woman Homesteader" were ebooks I enjoyed and are available to all.
Great find! I love old books so much. I can't wait to visit my own out-of-the-way, old bookstore again.