not opened yet trumpet bloom ( photo / image / picture from donna in nc's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from donna in nc's Garden )
Sharing your excitement! I see a few buds on mine too, finally - it's been a long wait. Mine are supposed to be peach color, what color are you expecting?
Do you mean a cutting? They start SO easy, like Coleus. I did buy some yellow too, I remember now that you say that... I'm not totally sure which is which, there are 6 but only the 2 bought this year have buds. Strange plants! I'm just happy to see the buds. I don't care what color they are, all welcome. Managed to get a variegated one in a trade recently. Still a little thing, but hopefully it will be back next year to do great things. Does your DD live nearby? Hoping mine finds her gardening roots, pun intended, when she settles after college...
yes my dd lives very close but hers didn't grow like mine did so will get a cutting when it is ready maybe when your varigated gets up and going we can trade for a cutting
That would be awesome! Two of these things are ending their 3rd summer in this yard with no sign of buds yet, only about 15-18" tall. Can't figure out what the difference is, why the 2 I got this year got so much bigger and have buds already, but I did give the two new ones bananas (put peels near the base periodically over summer.) There could be something else I don't know about, but that's what I do know. The more I do with bananas and gardening, the more impressed I am.
Some kind of power fertilizer, as far as I can tell. Gramma told me to put banana peels under rose bushes, and man it makes them bloom great! So I've tried it on other plants, and sometimes pureé the peels or black clearance bananas in food processor, dilute, water plants with it. It has a lot of potassium. If we went through more bananas, or I was more dedicated to doing it regularly, I'd have more to say about it. Isolated, uncontrolled incidents like this are all I have at this point, and other people's similar anecdotes. Usually I'm just choosing which rose bush, or watering house plants, but Daturas got lucky this summer.